Laryngeal Mask Airways Made of Silicone Rubber

As temperature increases, at a constant volume, pressure also increases with the magnitude depending on the level of temperature for laryngeal mask airway made of silicon rubber. This research paper presents a calculation to show this effect due to decreasing barometric pressure. In addition, the complications of these changes on mask airways made of silicon are applauded.

The initial volume=18ml (constant)

Initial temperature= 20c and has changed to 138c

Initial Atmospheric pressure= 101kPa, and final?

Final kPa=138c*101kPa/0.2= 690.1

Thus, at a temperature of 138c and constant volume, the pressure inserted on pharyngeal silicon rubber cuff equipment will be 690.1 kPa.

From this observation, it is clear that mucosal ischemia sequelae vary with change in pressure and duration in which ischemia is applied. Effective and safe airway management is essential for quality anesthetic practice for laryngeal airway masks (Brimacombe, Laupu, and Keller, 2005, p.09) As seal pressure increases, insertion of silicon mask may prove difficult and may result in airway obstruction (Catherine, Neil, and Anthony, 2007, p.04). At higher temperatures, the microbiological examination may be slightly difficult, and reprocessing not very efficient (Crawley, and Cross, 1986, p.07). Since reprocessing requires alkylamine derivative disinfection, thorough checking is essential to ensure there is no rubber defect (Asai and Brimacombe, 2000, p.17). Generally, at higher pressure, the rubber silicon is likely to inflate, bulge, and be porous. After alkylamine disinfection, the use of ultrasound alongside disinfectant solutions that contain ammonia in an inflated silicon rubber might induce a chemical reaction (Henning, Sharley, and Young, 2004, p.21). In the end, the ultrasonic bath may make the surface of the silicon rubber rough, rugged, and aerated (Keller, Brimacombe, Bittersohl, Lirk, and von, 2004, p.13). Since contamination can only be detected by viewing brightness contrast and structural changes, combi tube images resulting from this process will appear torn at the adhesive area on the edge at both ends of the proximal cuff. Thus, small fissures will appear scattered on the surface (Martin, Ochsner, and Jarman, 1999, p.08). However, since the pharyngeal silicon rubber cuff is thick and high pressured, these tinny fissures have no substantial impact on the functionality and stability of the airway equipment (Smith, and McArdle, 2002, p.14).

Conclusively, reprocessing is essential in saving money (Seeglobin, and Van, 1984, p.09) However, functional, usability, and hygiene must be looked into when performing this process (Scanlon, Carey, Power, and Kirby, 1993, p.12). As a matter of fact, any damage asa a result of component or product reaction should be eliminated by bio-indicators. Matrix structure and surface defects should be preempted.


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Catherine, M., Neil,P. and Anthony, B. (2007) Endotracheal tube and laryngeal mask airway cuff volume changes with altitude: a rule of thumb for aeromedical transport, London: bleetman

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Henning, J., Sharley, P. and Young, R. (2004) Pressures within air‐filled tracheal cuffs at altitude—an in vivo study. Anaesthesia, Solihull: BMJ

Keller, C., Brimacombe, J., Bittersohl, J., Lirk, P. and von, G. (2004) Aspiration and the laryngeal mask airway: three cases and a review of the literature, London: Free Press

Martin, S., Ochsner, M. and Jarman, R. (1999) et al Use of the laryngeal mask airway in air transport when intubation fails, J Trauma‐Inj Infect Crit Care, Solihull: BMJ

Scanlon, P., Carey, M., Power, M. and Kirby, F. (1993) Patient response to laryngeal mask insertion after induction of anaesthesia with propofol or thiopentone, London: Can J Anaesth

Seeglobin, R. and Van, H. (1984) Endotracheal cuff pressure and mucosal blood flow: endoscopic study of four large volume cuffs, Solihull: BMJ

Smith, R. and McArdle, B. (2002) Pressure in the cuffs of tracheal tubes at altitude. Anaesthesia, Solihull: BMJ

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