This report describes the market research conducted on behalf of ABC multinational company planning to launch wipes with antibacterial qualities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market. Antibacterial wipes are pre-moistened towelettes that contain sanitizing or disinfecting substances such as alcohol or chlorine compounds which kill germs on surfaces and skin. Baby products that come in the form of diapers and nappies are also considered antibacterial wipes. Generally, these wipes are more convenient to use than sprays and towels due to their one-step design of usage and disposal. Furthermore, the use of contaminated towels in cleaning the skin and surfaces are likely to spread the germs to uncontaminated areas, and such wipes can help eliminate the problem.
During the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, antibacterial wipes can be used to complement home hygiene and cleaning routines. Apart from social distancing, mask-wearing, and regular handwashing with soap, antibacterial wipes effectively prevent coronavirus contagion. According to John (2020), the physical act of rubbing an antibacterial wipe on the skin is beneficial in twofold: the sanitizing solution destroying the disease-causing germs and the fabric itself removing the germs from the skin. John adds that parents can use the wipes to clean their children’s hands, and they do not easily leak like other hand sanitizers.
There has been an influx of new firms producing wipes to take advantage of the sudden rise in demand during the pandemic era. However, people usually prefer associating with established and reputable brands. Furthermore, the customers consider the quality, effectiveness, and affordability of the product. As a result, startup companies are at risk of recording losses due to low stock turnover as customers purchase similar products from established brands. On the supply side, there is cut-throat competition arising from the high number of companies seeking to acquire a larger market share.
To compete effectively with other companies, firms have to develop strategies to stimulate sales and generate profits. Being a multinational company with a strong reputation, ABC has an upper have in penetrating the UAE market with its product. ABC’s management should, however, focus on intense distribution in various parts of the country by collaborating with established vendors or setting up stores in those areas. ABC can provide high-quality products at discounted prices to gain customer trust and loyalty.
The report aims to identify the audience who will be interested in purchasing and using antibacterial wipes. It also seeks to identify the success factors in the antibacterial wipes market in UAE. The report will also determine the available varieties of antibacterial wipes in the UAE market. Furthermore, the information also seeks to provide recommendations on how ABC can circumvent its product line’s challenges and issues. To achieve the stated objectives, the analysis answers the research question: Which audience will be interested in purchasing the antibacterial wipes across the UAE market?
Market research can employ a variety of research methods based on the objectives of the study. The market research was conducted in two phases between April and August 2021. In this exploratory research which aimed to identify the target market for the antibacterial wipes, a quantitative research methodology was used. Being extensive research, this study used in-depth interviews and surveys in collecting primary data. According to Saunders et al. (2019), in-depth interviews are suitable for conducting exploratory research to determine the current market condition and acquire new insights from the interviewees. The study targets 200 customers of existing brands around the Abu Dhabi School of Management (ADSM) for the interview.
This report integrates responses from face-to-face and telephone interviews. Responses by focus groups were also included in the analysis. The study used online surveys to collect data from prospects within the country. According to Saunders et al. (2019), they are popularly used to economically collect a large amount of data from a sizeable population. The respondents were supposed to access the surveys through their mobile phones, emails, or internet access to navigate to Google forms containing the questions. To enhance commitment in the process, participants were given an allowance after submitting their responses.
Alongside the interviews and surveys, the research team also employed qualitative research methodology to collect secondary data. The research team identified the social media accounts of top brands dealing in antibacterial wipes and examined customer comments based on the company products. Social media is increasingly becoming useful in market research because of the large amount of unfiltered information available. Since customer insights are unsolicited, the comments are likely an accurate account of what the customer thinks or is concerned about regarding the brand product. The research team also conducted a competitive analysis of prospective competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses. The information on competitors’ strengths will help ABC to strategize on how to compete effectively with them. ABC will also be in a position to capitalize on the competitors’ weaknesses to become more competitive in the market.
Data Collection Procedure
The research team initially approached random people and made contact with them. If they agreed to be interviewed, the research was then orally explained, after which the customers signed an informed consent form. The team was supposed to enquire whether a person used antibacterial products and was willing to be interviewed. Those who consented to the interview were asked to select the preferred time, date, and location of the interview, and the preferred interview method, whether face-to-face or telephone interview. The clients were asked to willingly provide their contacts for future engagements on the interview day. An introductory letter explaining the purpose of the research was then issued to them.
Of the 200 participants, 80 were interviewed via telephone, while the rest underwent face-to-face questioning. In both methods, customers were asked close-ended questions about the research objectives. The interview was recorded in Arabic since it is the official language and widely spoken in UAE. They were to give insights on the quality, prices, and effectiveness of existing wipes in the UAE market, among other questions.
For the online survey, Google forms were developed with items similar to those used in the interviews and shared through ABC’s website and social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter. The links to those forms were sent to customer emails, mobile numbers, or WhatsApp accounts. The customers of existing brands were also approached through their social media accounts and requested to participate in the survey. The identified individuals were to be promptly informed that they would be paid an allowance of about 5 dollars to their financial accounts upon submitting the form as an incentive to inspire interest and commitment.
The validity of the research was ensured by using similar questions for the interviews and online survey methods hence increasing the accuracy, efficiency, and clarity of the items in the two ways. On the other hand, research reliability, which is concerned with the consistency of the data, was ensured through the test-retest approach using the same research methods and questions on the same group in both phases of the research.
John, S. (2020). The best hand sanitizing wipes you can buy online right now. Forbes. Web.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A., (2019). Research methods for business students (8th ed.). Pearson Publications.