Leadership Approaches in Management


Leaders play a vital role in influencing the performance of the business organization. In any business setting, the performance of an entity is significantly influenced by the leadership style employed by the manager. Furthermore, practicing various leadership styles such as servant, democratic and transformational is effective because they allow the manager to motivate, engage and facilitate the adaptation of the workforce to changes necessary for productivity.

Servant Leadership Style

A servant leadership style is an approach in which the leaders perceive themselves as part of the workforce instead of acting as commanders whom the followers must respect at the enterprise. The managers empower workers by showing them examples of what they should be doing and relating with them, especially when performing their tasks to enhance their commitments (Alafeshat & Tanova, 2019). This management technique is useful when making the employees need to be motivated and wants to comprehend the long-term business goals.

Democratic Leadership Style

A democratic leadership style is a management approach whereby the leaders allow the employees to participate in essential decision-making in the business organization. During the brainstorming stages, workers are encouraged to contribute and provide possible ideas that can be used to enhance the performance of the firm. When employees are involved in complex organizational processes, they will feel valued and part of the system, thus making them remain committed and ready to deliver the best services (Al Khajeh, 2018). The headship style is used when employees feel that they are excluded from business affairs to ensure they engage in fundamental activities to develop trust.

Transformational Leadership Style

The transformational leadership approach is a management technique that allows the leader to motivate and inspire workers to create the change necessary to enhance their performance to facilitate the business’s success. The headship encompasses motivating followers to perform their respective tasks without employing the aspect of micromanagement (Busari et al., 2019). The approach should be used when staff members seem not to have a collective interest in the product.

Appropriate Leadership Style for the Saloon Case

Based on the provided case, transformational and democratic leadership styles are the appropriate management techniques for the business. The former will allow the leader to idealize influence, thus making employees perceive the interest of the business, while the latter will ensure employees become participative in crucial functions. However, the styles can cause burnout and slow the processes, respectively. Therefore, business leaders need to use the right management tactic to ensure effective performance.


Leadership approaches are significant in enabling managers to choose the best tactic to deal with the situation they might encounter in the business operation. The servant management style ensures that leaders involve in performing enterprise activities to influence and motivate workers. Democratic creates room for the staff members to participate in decision-making processes necessary for the growth of the business. On the other hand, transformational is useful in enhancing the interest of staff members in the product and services offered by the firm.


Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2018, 1-10. Web.

Alafeshat, R., & Tanova, C. (2019). Servant leadership style and high-performance work system practices: Pathway to a sustainable Jordanian airline industry. Sustainability, 11(22), 6191. Web.

Busari, A. H., Khan, S. N., Abdullah, S. M., & Mughal, Y. H. (2019). Transformational leadership style, followership, and factors of employees’ reactions towards organizational change. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 14(2). Web.

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