Leadership in the Los Angeles Police Department

Leadership is a very important element in any organization and more so in those that have a paramilitary structure, such as the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Leadership is one of the major factors that determine the performance of police organizations. Many police organizations have introduced leadership qualities into their training programs, but the inclusion has not been so successful due to various drawbacks. The main problem that hinders most law enforcement agencies from exemplifying good leadership is the belief that the trait is inborn and cannot be instilled in an individual. Despite the belief, LAPD continues to develop and implement new and innovative programs in which its officers are trained to become good leaders (Clark, 1997).

Although many officers demonstrate good leadership in LAPD, Captain Nicholas Zingo is the only officer who exemplifies leadership excellence in the police department. Captain Zingo entered the criminal justice system in 1972 through the Detroit Police Department where he began his law enforcement career as an assistant probationary officer. Zingo’s dream was to become an officer in the law enforcement department since his childhood. His goal was strengthened by his family members who encouraged him to follow his dream. In 1975, Zingo was transferred from the Detroit Police Department to LAPD where he currently works (LAPD, 2012).

At LAPD, Zingo continued his law enforcement career as a probationary officer before he was promoted to work at the Hollywood Prostitution Enforcement (PED) detail. Zingo became a sergeant in LAPD in 1984 and worked in various details such as Internal Affairs Division. In 1992, Zingo had been promoted to the position of a police lieutenant and then a watch commander, after which he was attached to the North Hollywood Patrol Division. Zingo rose to his current position in December 2008 after a series of promotions (LAPD, 2012).

Captain Zingo has been able to arise to different positions as a result of the good leadership qualities that he has exemplified in LAPD. One of the leadership qualities that Zingo exemplifies in LAPD is a great commitment to his work. He also demonstrates his headship skills in his area of responsibility as a captain. He observes all the rules and laws and ensures that the LAPD values are properly implemented as part of his daily operations. He works towards ensuring that his colleagues and the community remain obedient to LAPD (Delattre, 2002).

Captain Zingo also exemplifies a high level of integrity in everything he does in LAPD. He is proud of his work and conducts himself as a professional who has proper respect for LAPD clients. This is evident in his interactions with his colleagues and the members of the public, who regard him as honest and well-behaved. Since his admission to LAPD, Captain Zingo has never been implicated in any corrupt deal and continues to be honored with various awards (Owston, n.d.).

Lastly, Zingo demonstrates much respect for his seniors, colleagues, juniors, and the members of the public. He understands that the junior LAPD officers are as important as the senior ones; consequently, he makes them feel at ease when giving their contributions to the police department. He knows how to handle the victims and violators of crime. He treats every person fairly and according to the law without applying double standards. Captain Zingo believes that he can only earn respect from others if he gives it to them as well. He has on many occasions, helped victims of various crimes to acquire justice (Delattre, 2002).


Clark, D. (1997). Concepts of leadership. Web.

Delattre, E. J. (2002). Character and cops: Ethics in policing. Washington, DC: AEI Press.

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). (2012). To protect and to serve. Web.

Owlston, T. (n.d.). Motivation and leadership theories. Web.

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