Leadership: The Efficiency of the Company

Leadership is a crucial component that allows to effectively perform managing tasks and maximize the efficiency of the company, which consequently catalyzes the goal-achieving process. Most of the time, high-grade leadership is responsible for the organization’s internal and external success as it shapes the way staff works and performs. The leader’s ability to adapt to the market’s changes and incorporate innovations to the company’s routine provides for company’s success.

It is nearly impossible to find a great, natural leader at times of turbulent development and constant crisis. Nevertheless, I had an opportunity to be taught by an exceptional leader, who was my dance teacher and the owner of the dancing studio. This person throughout a few years that I have been taking dancing lessons has fascinated me. Lia Barnett has been my role model for a long time because of her undying urge to improve herself, her workspace, and also due to her natural leadership skills that create an incredible relationship between the staff.

Among some of the dance instructor’s qualities that define her leadership are excellent communicational skills, which allow to efficiently discuss the uprising issues and control both employees and students. Commitment is also among Lia’s most evident features, which helped her get to the current point in her career. She overcame many barriers on the way to opening and keeping the dance studio thanks to her incredible commitment and dedication. Some other qualities that Ms. Barnett has that were mentioned as those that define a great leader in Chapter 14 of the book are the ability to delegate, confidence, creativity, ability to aspire, and a positive attitude (Luthans et al., 2015). All combined, Lia Barnett makes up a perfect example of a true leader and an efficient manager.

At the time of my dancing lessons, I watched Lia handle kids who would not behave with such a natural approach, which is a sign of great conflict and problem-solving traits. Another significant agent that I noticed is unique corporate relationships and a united team of workers, because of Ms. Barnett’s constant urge to create the best possible working environment. One of the main lessons I learned from my dance teacher is never giving up on something you are passionate about. She is a living proof of commitment and dedication, which brought her through all the barriers and led to success. Once, in a conversation, she told me about the time when the studio was not giving any profit and was on the verge of closing, but she decided to keep it at any cost. The next day she developed a new program, which is now one of the best classes in her studio.

Unfortunately, not every business owner is a born leader interested in company growth. At my previous job, I had the experience of encountering such a person who was my boss. The person was overall negative, rude, and uninterested in the future development of the enterprise. Moreover, the business owner did not supervise the company’s financial processes, which consequently caused one of the employees to commit fraud.

Constant bad and arrogant attitude created a hostile atmosphere at the workplace, affecting the staff approach to the job and causing stress. One study confirmed that the type of leadership significantly affects employees’ mental health and may be the cause of breakdowns or anxiety (Jacobs, 2019). Such a theory is an accurate representation of the atmosphere created by the employer. Nevertheless, in the light of such a bad experience with the business owner, I have gained an understanding of the workplace I want to work at. Moreover, I learned that for the company to keep developing, the leader must create a healthy corporate culture and be passionate about implementing progressive techniques and innovation. All these factors were missing at the previous work and were the cause of the company’s long stagnation.


Jacobs, C. M. (2019). Ineffective-leader-induced occupational stress. SAGE Open, 9(2), 215824401985585.

Luthans, B., Luthans, F., & Luthans, K. (2015). Organizational Behavior: An evidence based Approach (13th ed). Information Age Publishing.

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