Learning a New Language: Importance for Career Development

Learning a foreign language can be a significant driver towards getting better job opportunities. Remarkably, 35% of the people responsible for hiring stated that multilingual employees make human resource managers extend a job offer, grant interviews, recommend promotion, and increase remuneration (Hulett). Many organizations are increasingly seeking bilingual workers, as evidenced in the statistics showing that in 2010 there were 240,000 job postings for such individuals compared to 630,000 in 2015 (“Demand for Bilingual”). Fluency in other languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish increases the personal brand both locally and internationally. Globalization has further made people need to work in a multicultural setting. Language can be a bridge for learning and understanding individual differences to foster a positive environment. Although learning a new language can be hectic for adults, it has advantages such as widening opportunities, higher salaries, intercultural understanding, and cognitive advancement.

People with multilingual capabilities have global competencies such that their job search is not limited to their country of origin. Organizations may view such employees as assets because they can serve as in-house translators for transactions and meetings (Hulett). The implication is that there are more job offers that a person can choose. Furthermore, even when a person loses one job, they have a higher chance of getting employed within the shortest time due to having skills. The implication is that they have a higher competitive advantage in the market (Williams). Therefore, people who understand multiple languages will likely have job security and steady career growth.

Moreover, there are organizations that are looking for people whose primary role is to translate relevant information to the company. The implication is that even if a person does not have a degree but they understand multiple languages it is easier for them to get a career. Better still, there are several lucrative entrepreneur opportunities that bilingual people can venture in successfully. For example, a person can decide to be a local tour guides of international visitors who do not understand English. In addition, working as a freelance interpreter as a part time job is possible for people who are multilingual. The opportunities for self-employment and a flexible work environment are many for translators in the contemporary world.

Firms are always willing to bid for more if they perceive that the deal they will get has a higher value. The ability to speak a language that is in demand, such as Chinese, can result in a salary increase or promotion (Hulett). A person can have higher bargaining power because other companies need their skill. Therefore, the more multinational languages a person can learn and speak, the higher their worth to companies because they make communication easy. The implication is that they get promotions to work in senior positions because of their ability to speak multiple languages. In addition, they may be eligible for more oversees travels and meetings which gives them an opportunity to get bonuses and allowances. Thus, even when they are in the same job groups as others, their chances of getting extra money is higher.

Bilingual people are an asset to organizations because they can enhance intercultural relations and establish rapport with potential clients and partners. Research shows that learning a new language fosters awareness of the values, traditions, and vices of the people of interest (Kroll and Paul). Notably, language expressions help interpret aspects relevant to people. When a company sells to clients from a different country, and they are received by someone who speaks their language, they feel necessary (Hulett). The implication is that they become loyal members because they feel appreciated. Similarly, such an employee may enhance partnerships during internationalization. The benefit for the worker is that it is possible to meet many people and create a network with professionals that can help in other entrepreneurial ventures.

People with more language competencies have advanced cognitive skills, which increases creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Learning new words and sentence construction requires a person to analogously use creative thoughts. They can use the same process whenever the company is in a crisis to bring ideas for resolving issues. Moreover, multilingualism transforms the mind to create resilience even in stressful environments (Kroll and Paola 254). Such an advanced brain enables the employee to develop innovative solutions. Moreover, learning a new language causes a person to develop new neural pathways and connections (Hulett). Multilingual individuals have advanced code-switching. The capabilities can easily be applied in other businesses, such as product development. Thus, these employees have multitasking capabilities and think strategically.

In conclusion, learning a new language has many advantages to a person’s career growth as it enhances their competitiveness in the local and international market. Such workers have higher bargaining power for better salaries and promotions. Moreover, they have multicultural competencies that allow them to form professional networks, which can help when they start a business. Bilingualism promotes brain neural development and structure that increases problem-solving skills. Therefore, students who wish to enhance their career goals should consider learning a new multinational language.

Works Cited

“Demand for Bilingual Workers More Than Doubled in 5 Years, New Report Shows.” New American Economy, Web.

Hulett, Matt. “How The Power of Language Can Grow Your Career and Business.” Forbes, Web.

Kroll, Judith F., and Paola E. Dussias. “The Benefits of Multilingualism to the Personal and Professional Development of Residents of the US.” Foreign Language Annals, vol. 50, no. 2, 2017, pp. 248-259.

Williams, Kevin. “Benefits of Knowing Multiple Languages | Why is Multilingualism Important.” Inlingua Washington DC, 2017, Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Learning a New Language: Importance for Career Development." August 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/learning-a-new-language-importance-for-career-development/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Learning a New Language: Importance for Career Development." August 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/learning-a-new-language-importance-for-career-development/.

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