Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication

The Gist

The writer is referring to the use of modern communication technologies as a medium used in passing social-cultural practices as well as contemporary fads which develop into informal groupings built on similar trends. There exists a sophisticated system of communication that has enabled and simplified reaching any part of the globe. The argument is that the emergence of a virtual community is a big-time occurrence that has completely altered ways of communication as well as socialization. This community capitalizes and basically relies on the use of online methods of communication as opposed to the conventional man-to-man human interaction on a day to day activities. The use and access of virtue communication modes surpass other aspects of life that are regarded as socio indicators of individual ranking like user’s level of education or religion. These are deemed as irrelevant when it pertains to the application of virtue communication as it is spread across the board and accessible to anyone. This portrays a euphoric fashion that swept across the board as people embraced this concept impacting many aspects of daily human interaction. With this mode, there are all sorts of risks since there are no checks to control and ascertain provided details and information.

The multimedia wave has given rise to different subcultures which have developed distinct habits and practices, these subcultures are formed in line with those social online groups. (Gies 2008) The writer compares the modern communication modes with the traditional ways where groups are formed around a common ideology and information is shared using the one on one interaction method. This is equated to the modern online forms of communication like Facebook, the internet, and tweeter amongst others, where socializing groups have formed and they share knowledge and exchange information as well as get entrainment.


The writer argues that since there is a proliferation of organized online communication methods, there has emerged a fad of urban legends. This is a clique whose lives are dependent on multi-media communication their lives are led literally virtually; they depend on these online facilities for daily living. These are people who work, socialize, trade online, and perform many other hosts of activities. This lot can be effectively accessed online, their character and opinion are formed and shaped online. They also spread their influence to other parties through the same means. This is a medium that can be used to transmit and spread certain beliefs and practices effectively since these groups transform into subcultures. It is possible to use this model as a conduit of transmitting a particular way of life or changing people’s ways of thinking and doing things since most users tend to live to script, the influence of the virtue world.


Human beings will communicate well if they are in a community, online modes of communication revolve around groups with a common binding factor. The use of online communication facilitates the easy spread of ideologies within the group. Virtue communities’ existence is facilitated by the existence of enough amenities that are accessed and shared online, it is possible to share knowledge, trade, fall in love, get emotional support, access education and do anything that can be done in life outside the virtual community. Technologies have ideological and political significance since they influence the ways of thinking as well as the distribution of resources. The ever-increasing multi-media usage is a powerful tool to influence a group’s attitude or opinion. This kind of influence takes both positive and negative forms; there are cyber crimes and other forms of ills that happen in cyberspace. On the other hand, constructive influence takes place. Since it is possible to access almost everything available in the traditional interaction methods, virtual communication offers an alternative in reaching out and communicating with the rest of the world.

Work Cited

Gies Lieve. Crime, Media and Culture. Sage Publications (2008). Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication." December 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/legends-on-the-net-modern-ways-of-communication/.


StudyCorgi. "Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication." December 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/legends-on-the-net-modern-ways-of-communication/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication." December 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/legends-on-the-net-modern-ways-of-communication/.

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