Florida Legislative Committees and Key Initiatives

Exploration of local, state and federal legislators in Florida State

Primarily, being a resident in Miami Florida, it is evident that local, state, and federal legislators have legislative commitments to honor up. There are also committees put in place to ensure that the state and federal activities are smoothly implemented. For instance, the Florida Investigative Committee, popularly known as Johns Committee was initiated in 1956 by the Florida legislature. Ideally, like other committees, the Florida committee investigated various activities such as communist organizations and homosexuals in state departments and educational institutions.

Further, John’s committee was mandated by the legislature to monitor the code of conduct of organizations (Squire, 2012). Florida local legislators were supposed to control the impact of the ‘Lamb Choppers’ legislators who represented the people from the Florida city. Notably, governor Johns with 40 senators from local north Florida controlled the state government work. Besides, the Johns Committee investigated and reprimanded faculty and staff at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University which happened to be its first task. Consequently, the committee also investigated the active political organizations to reduce their influence on citizens.

Committees and legislative commitments of congress and senate houses

Legislators in Florida were committed to enact and change the laws of the United States and Florida State. For instance, they would propose laws in the form of a bill written by non-biased and professional staff. Additionally, they had the power to change already existing laws in the Florida constitution to suit the current state of the U.S. The work of state senators is to give views of legislation in form of drafted bills (Squire, 2012). Committees in both reviews the drafted bills and then if voted by majority, the governor of the state signs the bill into law.

Legislative initiatives

Arguably, in Florida State, various legislative initiatives have been put forward by legislators but the essay seeks to explore one of the many initiatives of the legislature. Conventionally, Regulatory compliance impacts retirement communities assisted living facilities and nursing homes were supported by house bill 269 (Maples, McAleenan, Neidhardt, & Taylor, 2015). The bill provided requirements for the consent form to be signed by the patient and guardian.

If the bill is approved by the governor of Florida State, implementation will take place immediately. Therefore, hospitals will be required by the new law to provide an observation status document of the patient on the discharge papers. According to senate bill 332, residents will be vaccinated following the recommendation of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). If approved, the bill will also provide strengthened assistant living facility procedures (Potter, 2013).

The efforts motivated by the Miami articles that came into limelight in 2011. Penalties for ALFs were consequently increased by the bill where the license of the facility offering the assistance will be revoked. The bill also provides for clients to access the ALF information conveniently through online platforms.

Besides, the bill required the community to offer numerous care services to adequately train their staff members. State Ombudsman program is mandatory as enshrined in the house bill 1001 and senate bill 7018 where discussion on improvement of the facility is conducted by the State Ombudsman program and the facility administrators.

Letter to Ray Rodrigues, Majority Leader of the House

Honorable Rodrigues, I am happy to support the bill Regulatory Compliance Impacts Retirement Communities, ALFs, and Nursing Homes because it extends a lot of benefits to Florida residents. For instance, the bill ensures quality services to patients because of the healthy condition of an individual is confirmed by two physicians (Potter, 2013). If the bill is passed to law, patients will be issued with a consent form that he or she will sign along with the signature of the guardian. Similarly, the bill is also important because patients will know the real status of their health before leaving the health premises. Finally, I support the bill since the assisted living facility will be strengthened by the regulations by the law.


Maples, M. L., McAleenan, T., Neidhardt, J., & Taylor, S. E. (2015). State Legislative Update. Journal of Dispute Resolution, 2015(2), 6.

Potter, W. (2013). Producing Public Opinion: How the Insurance Industry Shaped US Health Care. In P. Watson (Ed.), Health Care Reform and Globalisation: The US, China and Europe in Comparative Perspective (1-24). New York, NY: Routledge.

Squire, P. (2012). The Evolution of American Legislatures: Colonies, Territories, and States, 1619-2009. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

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StudyCorgi. "Florida Legislative Committees and Key Initiatives." February 25, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/legislative-initiatives-in-florida-state/.


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