Life of Women in Classical India and China

The living conditions of men and women have historically differed in different parts of the world. This difference is especially noticeable in the example of the Classical Era, when each gender was assigned its duties and rights. That is why it is essential to find where women had more comfortable living conditions in China or India during the Classical Era.

The differences between these two societies are pretty dramatic. In the history of ancient India, there were times when women enjoyed significant independence, freedom, and even power. In Hindu mythology, one can observe the equality of gods and goddesses (Vālmīki). For example, one cannot imagine the Hindu god Shiva without his wife, Parvati, and vice versa. Most aspects of the daily life of the Indian gods, as well as those of other peoples, had a remarkable resemblance to the daily life of the Hindus themselves. However, as far as the division of labor between husband and wife was concerned, an unexpectedly inverted situation was observed here: the god rested, enjoying peace and seclusion, and his wife did the work. She was a shakti, the operational aspect of a passive deity.

In China, Confucianism served as the basis of society, which significantly limited women’s rights. This meant that a woman’s leading and only role was to become a wife and mother, while all other aspects of life were abolished (The Book of Songs). Society was utterly patriarchal, and women could not enjoy any privileges. In the house, the woman was obliged to obey her father. In the house of her husband, to her husband, if a woman became a widow, she was obliged to obey her son. Marriage for girls meant an irretrievable departure from their own families. If the wife gave birth only to girls, the husband had the right to take another woman as his wife, and the first remained only a servant. At the same time, respect for a woman and some rights appeared in them only after reaching old age.

Replying to colleagues’ posts, one can agree with the majority arguing that life for women was better in Classical Era India. Women could get an education, which was impossible in China then. In addition, they were generally more empowered than women in India. In addition, all the facts described above also confirm that women felt better in India.

Works Cited

The Book of Songs: The Ancient Chinese Classic of Poetry, 2nd ed. Translated by Arthur Waley. Grove Press. 1987.

Vālmīki. Ramayan of Valmiki : with Three Commentaries Called Tilaka, Shiromani and Bhooshana. Bombay: Gujarati Printing Press, 19121920.

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