Maximizing LinkedIn for Freelance Writing Jobs and Income

The LinkedIn professional network provides several prospecting opportunities for a freelance writer to generate more jobs and more income. Linked In connects operate in an ever-widening circle of professional affiliations; once the freelance writer established a direct connection to a colleague or client, he or she then gains access to all the connections in that client’s network. Any one of these individuals may have freelance writing work that they require a writer to complete or know of someone who does. A few Linked In guidelines will help freelance writers reap the full benefits of this network.

First, link directly to clients and customers that you enjoy a good working relationship with, or who use your services regularly, more or fewer retainer clients. This core network of clients and customers represent that sphere of Linked In connections most likely to generate jobs for freelance writers. They already know what you can do, they can provide excellent referrals speaking from experience, and nine times out of ten, they know of other clients like themselves in similar industries who require freelance writing services. Freelance writers looking to generate work from Lined In need to concentrate on developing this core tier of virtual referrals first and foremost.

Each new job that the freelance writer completes represents an opportunity to add to your virtual network and kindle the referral opportunity. Ask each current and new client or customer to link to your profile and build that presence continually.

A second tip for gaining the maximum from Linked In is using the company profiles to your advantage. Human Resources professionals often post contact information, and company information is readily available. Research the companies that look interesting to you and that benefit from the services a talented freelancer – communication, marketing, and advertising firms, for example – and send them a link to your professional profile.

Applying for jobs on Linked In is a quick and painless process; however, your profile needs to be continually updated and relevant. Also, use your Linked In profile to highlight sales increases that your writing helped to generate, awards, or recognition that your articles might have received, and high-profile publications in business magazines, newspapers, or journals.

Another key tip for freelance writers using Linked In to generate work is to distinguish between Linked In and Facebook. Manage your social media presence effectively. Keep Facebook for your social connections – friends, family, and social groups – and use Linked In exclusively for business contacts and prospecting new clients and work engagements. Maintain a professional demeanor on Linked In; save the funny photos and videos for Facebook. Keep your Facebook profile and private and do not refer to it on Linked In. Remember that Linked In sells your professional services and is not suitable as a vehicle for social connections.

Finally, an important tip for freelance writers using Linked In to generate jobs is to emphasize clients and customers over colleagues and fellow freelance writers. Remember that other freelance writers, even those that are friends, are competing for the same attention, referrals, and job opportunities on Linked In that you wish to generate. Therefore, relegate your freelance writer connections to your Facebook profile as much as possible. Think of Linked In exclusively as a means to connect with your future clients and customers and you will find this professional networking tool highly valuable and useful.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 30). Maximizing LinkedIn for Freelance Writing Jobs and Income.

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StudyCorgi. "Maximizing LinkedIn for Freelance Writing Jobs and Income." January 30, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Maximizing LinkedIn for Freelance Writing Jobs and Income." January 30, 2021.

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