Living with Parents with Problematic Substance Use

Fitzgerald, H. E., Johnson, D. J., Qin, D. B., Villarruel, F. A., & Norder, J. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of children and prejudice: Integrating research, practice, and policy. Springer.

Fitzgerald et al. focused on analyzing the influence of various critical contexts on children’s development. Fitzgerald et al. (2019) believe this information will be helpful to those who study difficulties in families with children. The authors examined the negative effects on children from exposure to adverse childhood experiences, such as family substance abuse. They discussed these aspects in the context of discrimination and prejudices. The researchers touched upon the topics of sustainability, adaptations, and small victories of children over the previously identified problems.

Foy, C. (2020). How to recognize signs of trauma in children of addicted parents. FHE Health. Web.

Foy talks about the obvious signs of trauma in children of addicted parents and ways to help families. Children “inherit” behavioral and mental outcomes in families where substance abuse occurs (Foy, 2020). The author describes the problem, citing statistics and difficulties experienced by children. He provides an alleged description of drug-addicted parents and their children. Additionally, Foy gives proven advice to drug-addicted parents on how to raise a child competently.

Lewis, Q. J., Smith, B. D., Offiong, A., Prioleau, M., & Powell, T. W. (2021). When a house is never a home: Housing instability among youth affected by parental drug abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 118, 1-8. Web.

Lewis et al. explored the negative consequences for children living with drug-addicted parents. The effects of drug abuse by parents are incredibly harmful and can significantly affect children’s futures (Lewis et al., 2021). Growing is often associated with a high risk of instability. For example, young people subsequently find it difficult to resolve issues with housing. This is because they previously experienced stress and trauma in a family.

Maina, G., Ogenchuk, M., & Gaudet, S. (2021). Living with parents with problematic substance use: Impacts and turning points. Public Health Nursing, 38(5), 730-737. Web.

Maina et al. (2021) pay special attention to the climate in which children from disadvantaged families grow up. They explain how drug-addicted parents can negatively affect their kids. Subsequently, children have mental and psychological illnesses in adulthood. The process of growing up with drug-addicted parents is associated mainly with traumatic events and meetings for children. Regular screening and various interventions are essential to eliminate childhood injuries.

Thatcher, T. (2020). Families in crisis: How parental substance abuse and mental health impacts kids. Web.

Thatcher explains the impact of addiction in the context of individual families and society. A child with drug-addicted parents is a serious social concern in America (Thatcher, 2020). Children of drug-addicted parents often experience emotional and mental development delays. Moreover, parents experience various psychological problems, and this cannot but affect their offspring. However, fortunately, it is possible to cure addiction, but not alone, and then families can reconnect, and parent-child bonds may improve.

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