Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business

ACME Labs, a privately owned biotech business, seeks to raise a large sum to enable the development of a novel medicine that may cure COVID19. However, the supervisory board is comprised of people who are hesitant to commit capital to such an initiative. This issue might be resolved by communicating with the leaders about the benefits of the investment. In this report, the financial possibilities for the company and information for achievable fundraising will be presented.

Long-term financing options available to ACME Labs include debt as well as equity. Both variants allow the firm to acquire money as quickly as it needs. The primary benefit of debt funding is that interest payments are not taxed, and there is no transfer of control over the company. The biggest limitation is the financial risk caused by the planned principal and interest payments (Gitman). Equity imposes few constraints on the company, which is under no requirement to pay dividends or reimburse the investments. However, equity funding grants investors voting rights and is more expensive than borrowing due to not tax-deductible costs.

The key factors to consider when choosing a financial option are the interest rates (which define the cost of borrowing), the need for control (expressed by the board), and the borrowing requirements of the investors. Since the board of directors is doubtful about the incentive, it is recommended to propose bond borrowing, which allows a long debt maturity period and conserves the firm’s ownership. When requesting a loan, the most vital information to present is appropriate accounting reports, a strategy for the quantity and usage of the cash, and a repayment schedule. The lender will inquire about the company’s history, goals, profitability, administration, and the project’s stage, which should be demonstrated with a proactive strategy.

To conclude, ACME Labs can choose either debt or equity financing options for funding its project. The advantages and benefits of these alternatives are determined by the expected interest rates, control abilities, and requirements of the directors and investors. It is appropriate to apply for a bond, considering the company’s project needs and directors’ fears. The borrowers should present the most accurate and promising financial and organizational information about the medicine to gain money.

Work Cited

Gitman, Lawrence. “Raising Long-Term Financing – Introduction to Business.” Pressbooks, Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business'. 8 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-fundraising-introduction-to-business/.


StudyCorgi. "Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-fundraising-introduction-to-business/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-fundraising-introduction-to-business/.

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