Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson


Western civilization involves the progressive revolution of the western culture. The western culture covers such aspects as societal norms, religious beliefs, and political ideologies. Every society has its heritage of societal norms which keep changing with time. In addition, religious and political issues also change with time so that a society can be at pace with the prevailing global trends. A Society discards practices which it may consider outdated or retrogressive in the current generation. In reference to politics, elements of democracy and freedom act as indicators of western civilization. Achieving civilization calls for the effort of various scholars who should take the lead in helping the state to achieve its goals. Western civilization is also defined by the existence of political pluralism, powerful subcultures and increased cultural syncretism as a result of globalization and human movement (Jones 71). Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson is one of the top scholars who brought about western civilization through his political and social ideas. He was an exceptional and powerful nonconformist leader who never followed the old way of doing things but instead developed his own solutions to problems that he faced. While serving in the navy he rapidly rose through the ranks and developed a good reputation due to his outstanding services. He was an exceptionally powerful nonconformist leader who never followed the old way of doing things but instead developed his own solutions to problems that he faced. He was a highly respected leader, a person who was able to empathize with the requirements of his fellow men. His work of civilization was based on love and concern rather than authority and command and this inspired his fellow men in the navigation and shipping sector (Adkin 56). His social and political influence earned him a lot of respect even from those who held senior positions than him. The essay explores the contributions of Admiral Horatio Nelson to western civilization through his exceptional services.

Background information

Lord Admiral Horatio came from a large family of 11 children and he was the sixth born. His family lived in Burnham, England where he was born in 1758. His family was fairly famous; actually his mother was a grand niece to the first prime minister of Great Britain. Horatio Nelson schooled at Paston Grammar School up to the age of twelve at which point he left school and began his career in naval sector under the influence of his maternal uncle who was at the time a captain with the navy. Soon after he started his training, Nelson was shortlisted for the position of a midshipman and later started his officer training. During the early days of his service Lord Horatio realized that he was suffering from seasickness, a chronic condition that persistently disturbed him throughout his life. During the early days of his naval career, Nelson served under the command of his uncle as a commander of his longboat which ferried people across the shore. Nelson later discovered an arranged expedition under the influence of Constantine Phipps which aimed at discovering a passage to India through the Arctic. Nelson requested his uncle to allow him to join this planned expedition and he agreed, joining the expedition as a midshipman. Unfortunately, the expedition only reached ten degrees North Pole and was unable to move on because of the dense ice floes. Nelson returned and soon his uncle organized for his transfer to HMS Seahorse in the East Indies. While still in the East Indies, a seahorse was attacked by Hyder Ali’s Ketches Nelson and is team fought the attackers and managed to drive off safely. Following his first success at war, Lord Admiral Horatio would regularly escort of various convoys across the sea. Within this time Nelson contracted Malaria which became severe and he had to sail back to Britain but by the time he was getting to Britain he had completely recovered. His uncle had been promoted and he used his powers to promote Nelson too (Pettigrew 78).

Admiral Horatio took his lieutenants examination on 9th April 1777 and passed well. The next day he was commissioned and appointed to HMS Lowestoffe which was getting ready for Jamaica under Captain William Locker. The ship arrived on 19th 1777 and soon the American war of independence started, Worcester did well and managed to get several prizes. One of the prizes given to Nelson was a navy service marked tender Little Lucy. Nelson requested for her and he was allowed to take command of her. Apart from the experience of being a command he also had a chance of exploring his interest in science. This marked the beginning of civilization for him as he was promoted and was able to conquer war, in the process winning many prizes. The successful battles by Admiral Horatio were landmarks of civilization for the entire state. Nelson never followed the old patterns but rather invented his own solutions while in the battle. Little wonder then that he was successful at the battlefield.

Actually sometimes what led to his success was direct disobedience of the instructions given to him. He disobeyed instructions which he considered to be useless or not rhyming with his ideas. His leadership skills and tactical genius made others to respect him even those who held higher ranks than his (Eduardo 119). It was known that he never lost his battles and so no one reprimanded him even when he disobeyed orders from above. Nelson continued to establish and to develop new war strategies that were referred to as Nelson touch notably in the well-known battle of Trafalgar, one of the major sea wars. He was famous and highly respected by his followers a good relationship existed as opposed to the normal association among the English military officials and their followers during that time. This a great indicator of civilization leader could freely relate with their leaders contrary to the usual keeping of distance which previously existed between officials and their men. Nelson became a hero after he won this battle not only to his fellow men and royal navy but also to the general public of England who still celebrate the victory of Trafalgar battle 200 year on. The battle marked a turning point in the battle field of the world history (Sugden 61).

The English fleet under the command of Nelson Horatio managed to reign supremacy against the Spanish and French fleets at sea. Spanish supremacy in the world’s oceans was destroyed; Britain took over and ruled the oceans. Britain had at last curtailed the Spanish supremacy in the ocean after this it was expected that the end of French supremacy of the European continent was going to occur soon. After the victory the barricades of the oak fro the royal navy conquered the sea and offered cover to Britain’s extension as the Great Britain securely rested behind them. This was a fundamental mark of revolution in the field of navigation also marked civilization as Britons could freely sail on the waters. This also reduced conflict associated with navigation and shipping activities Spanish no longer targeted Britain fleets in order to get the supremacy back. It is clear that if Nelson ha not won the Trafalgar battle, the existence of British Empire could not have been realized and the world could be a totally different place today. His contributions cannot be overlooked as he brought about civilization of the Britain by destroying the supremacy of both Spanish and French. Nelson was given the mandate to enforce Navigation Acts which unpopular to Americans and colonies. This brought more changes which continued to enhance civilization in the affected regions. However, Nelson faced challenges of opposition from his rivals who even sued him but he stood strong since he clearly understood what he was up to (pussers 14).

In order to achieve civilization there is a price to pay; Nelson in his attempt to attack Spanish and French was seriously injured but he did not give up. He continued with the battle and after one attack failed he planned for another one with the help of his men. Civilization brings about freedom and development and this compelled Nelson and his men to continue with the battle, they knew that this would change the face of the whole world. Nelson won many battles and his last one was the battle of Trafalgar, when the battle began he did his best to ensure that they won it. As the battle went on Nelson was shot and a bullet went through his spine. He was sure that he was going to die but he continued advising his men on what to so that they can win the battle. He received many award and several occasion were organized in his honor, after the shooting Nelson died three hours later. His body was laid in a casket containing brandy which was mixed with myrrh and camphor. Soon, the body was taken to the victory’s mainstay and put under guard. The news of his death was received with a lot of sorrow by not only the king, but his subjects as well. The king affirmed that the death of Admiral Nelson was a bigger loss in comparison with their victory at war. Though he died before the battle we over his team still emerged victorious and this was considered as one of the most impressive and decisive success ever achieved by the naval annals of England. However, this victory was dearly purchased as it claimed the life of a hero. His body was taken back to Britain on board of victory for burial it was put in a lead casket and was buried after a four hour service was conducted (Pocock 43).


Civilization brings about change in different aspect of life, for instance it result to increased freedom, improved way of governance or better societal norms. Its achievement takes time which varies depending on the situation and it requires sacrifice of scholar and the general public. Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson is one of the top scholars who brought about western civilization through his political and social ideas. He was an exceptional and a powerful nonconformist leader, who never followed the old way of doing things but instead developed his own solutions to problems that he faced. He was a highly respected leader a person who was able to empathize with the requirements of his fellow men. His work of civilization was based on love and concern rather than authority and command which inspired his fellow men in the navigation and shipping sector. His social and political influence earned him a lot of respect even from those who held senior positions than him. He was confident and capable of identifying and exploiting his enemies weaknesses, these qualities helped him in all battles whereby he always emerged victoriously. His influence was still experienced even long after his demise, it brought about renewal of interest notably at time when Britain faced crisis.

Works Cited

Adkin, Mark. The Trafalgar Companion: A Guide to History’s Most Famous Sea Battle and the Life of Admiral Lord Nelson. London: Aurum Press, 2007. Print.

Eduardo Duran, Native American Postcolonial Psychology Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. Print.

Jones, Prudence and Pennick, Nigel A History of Pagan Europe Barnes & Noble, 1995. Print.

Pettigrew, Thomas. Memoirs of the Life of Vice-Admiral, Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B., Duke of Bronté. London: T. & W. Boone, 1849, Print.

Pocock, Tom. Horatio Nelson. London: The Bodley Head, 1987, Print.

Pussers, P. Admiral Lord Nelson Ships Decanter – Navy Rum 1970. Web.

Sugden, John. Nelson: A Dream of Glory. London: Jonathan Cape, 2004, Print.

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