Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”

The rapid rhythm of the contemporary world and excessive workload make it difficult for families to spend time together. Sometimes couples cannot find time to look after their house. However, this activity seems to be an essential ritual uniting family members. Taking care of the yard can be beneficial for the house’s appearance and enjoyable for the participants. The image of a family depends on the way they treat their possessions. Moreover, this is a brilliant opportunity to show one’s organizing or creative skills. Lowe’s TV commercial aims at helping enthusiastic couples choose hardware for home improvement. Today, many DIY’ers research brands and companies attentively before buying something. These consumers, mainly new homeowners, have a penchant for brands sharing their interest in the environment and technology. Lowe’s, being one of the leading American retail companies, consider the DIY’ers’ needs while working on their advertising campaign. The company aims to provide customers with the necessary equipment to prepare for the spring season. Their elaborate, easily perceived TV commercial “Lawn and Garden,” aired in 2019 in the USA, follows three rules of a persuasive message: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Lowe’s target audience is active working people, which is why the commercial is made dynamic, with energetic music, lots of movement, and bright colors. However, the main part in transmitting the message surely belongs to the text because the ad’s creators efficiently manipulate the language. Their reasoning is coherent because they manage to carry the main idea throughout the video and do not add odd details. They also succeed at winning over the audience by showing them the perfect garden that can become their pride. Finally, they make everyone believe that they are a trustworthy company. Thus, the ad’s creators use ethical, intellectual, and emotional approaches to get from the viewers the reaction that they expect.

Ethos is a mode of persuasion that makes the message credible and establishes the speaker’s authority. One of the key elements is creating a sense of mutual identification with the audience (Le Cunff). This is perfectly demonstrated in the commercial by assuring the viewers that the company knows them well: “Lowe’s knows you are a DIY’er who does spring right” (Lowes Lawn and Garden Commercial). Such statements bring the producers and the recipients of the message closer, creating an impression that the company pays attention to its customers and knows what they need. Another strategy helpful for the audience’s persuasion is the use of special words amplifying the effect. By repeating the word “right” in various contexts, the ad’s creator praises the viewers, encourages them to continue working, and proves that Lowe’s has the same objectives as them. Thus, the information in the message makes the speaker seem trustworthy, benevolent, and familiar, which corresponds to the principle of Ethos.

Another principle of convincing the audience is Pathos, which implies appealing to emotions. Pathos can be evoked with the help of expressive languages, such as analogies and metaphors (Le Cunff). There is a strong phrase in the commercial, “treat yourself by treating your yard” (Lowes Lawn and Garden Commercial), that can be considered an analogy. The ad’s creator explains to the audience that if they take care of their yard properly, they take care of themselves. Work in the garden is a long-term investment, which is why customers should purchase the best equipment, such as Lowe’s fertilizers. Moreover, the picture of a perfect garden with green grass, colorful flowers, and a fresh coat of paint seems very promising and inspiring. Any couple would like to follow the example of the commercial’s characters and get down to work immediately to meet spring surrounded by this beauty.

Not only does the commercial represent the direct result of work in the garden, but it uses a trick to show the audience the reward expecting them after that. At the end of the video, there is the woman relaxing with a cocktail and the man standing next to the barbecue. This image has a strong emotional impact on the viewers because they see that the work in the garden can be an easy task with the help of Lowe’s. Having finished this task, they can enjoy some activities together and proudly contemplate their refreshed garden. Thus, Pathos is achieved by transmitting the sense of victory and accomplishment to the audience.

Any commercial needs a catchy phrase in the end to reinforce its effect. The one chosen by Lowe’s is “Do it right for less. Start with Lowe’s.” (Lowes Lawn and Garden Commercial). Along with the announcement of a 20% discount, this slogan convinces the audience that they can handle all tasks without spending too much money. It appeals to the consumers’ desire to economize, promising that their work can be well-organized with no extra expenses. The use of short imperative sentences helps influence the viewers’ minds, inducing them to buy the product.

The final step to making a persuasive message is implementing Logos. This means presenting arguments in a straight-forward and rational logical order (Le Cunff). The commercial starts with the description of the gardening routine familiar to the viewers. Then, the focus shifts to Lowe’s activity and their efforts to facilitate the consumers’ lives. The smooth transition from the first part to the second is made by using the common concept of “doing things right.” Everything that is said supports this main idea, making the commercial look consistent. The choice of colloquial style and simple language is also advantageous. Moreover, the video is quite short, so the viewers do not feel tired and do not lose interest in it. The success of the commercial can be measured by the product’s sales and customers’ feedback. According to Held, Scotts fertilizer is among the five best lawn fertilizers. This fact proves that many consumers, whose choice was probably determined by the commercial, have tested and liked the product.

Lowe’s TV commercial “Lawn and Garden” is an example of a clever advertising strategy. It shows that even a fertilizer, which is not a basic necessity product, can be presented in a way that the customers understand its importance. Well-structured communication with the audience and the image of a perfect reality help the message easily reach its goal. As a result, more couples are incited to spend time together doing renovations to their gardens. Today the consumers tend to have a more thoughtful approach to selecting equipment. To meet their requirements, the commercial shows that they share values and principles. “Lawn and Garden” offers the power of advertisement and its ability to remind the audience about their duty to pay enough attention to their house.

Works Cited

Held, Nora. “5 Best Lawn Fertilizers – Make The Neighborhood Envy Your Lawn.” BackyardStyle, 2021, Web.

Le Cunff, Anne-Laure. “Ethos, Pathos, Logos: How to Persuade People.” Ness Labs, 2020, Web.

“Lowes Lawn and Garden Commercial 2019.” YouTube, uploaded by TOP Branding, 2020, Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”." June 19, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/lowes-tv-commercial-lawn-and-garden/.


StudyCorgi. "Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”." June 19, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/lowes-tv-commercial-lawn-and-garden/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”." June 19, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/lowes-tv-commercial-lawn-and-garden/.

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