Management Information System in Media

Background information

The various problems facing many media integrated organizations have been found to be internally initiated; which further affects their general performance, as Kenneth & Loudon (2007) reveals. Being one of the key socializing agents, a media integrated organization ought to be properly managed; so as to be effective in creating a positively socialized society. More specifically, the media integrated need to incorporate governance policies which would enhance the performance of its roles and activities effectively and efficiently. According to Raghupathi and Tan (2002), the management of the media integrated solutions ought to inculcate a number of factors by first identifying the problems facing the company, and then a subsequent resolution framework follows.

Perhaps, the poor performance by various media integrated organizations like the Media Integrated Media Solutions LLC has been attributed by the general unwillingness of its employees to be devoted in performing their roles. In fact, various media integrated organizations have for long been important aspects of the society in which its efficiency and effectiveness impacts a lot in the development of the society; in terms of modernizing and culturally integrating people as brought out by Kenneth & Loudon (2007). Generally, the media integrated can be described as one of the corner pillars of the society whose efficiency matters a lot in determining the well being of the society.

The need of management of media integrated organizations

The management of information systems has become one of the most important tools in enhancing the prosperity of many media integrated companies, following the current advancement in technology. As Kenneth & Loudon (2007) reveals, it is very important for mangers, especially in the information systems, to evaluate their systems so as to ensure efficiency. More precisely, Luftman & Brier (1999) confirms that, the information systems ought to be well evaluated in which their problems would be identified and then development of resolution framework would be initiated. In this regard therefore, the problem identification can be argued as the one that will form a basis for the development of resolutions for such information systems.

Certainly, Kenneth & Loudon (2007) asserts that, the strategy that an information management ought to take has to be based on more than one force as there is no cause without an effect to. As it has been revealed, any strategy that any management system takes has to be subject to the forces that shape it and then its subsequent implications.

Determinants of efficiency in information systems management

According to Gomolski (2004), a high level of information technology alone does not guarantee an effective performance of an information system. In this case, various factors interplay in determining whether an information system would be effective or not in performing its roles. Basically, there are four determinants of efficiency in information systems which include the employees’ attitude towards their duties, the level of motivation of employees, the level of information technology and the competence of the management personnel. In this case, the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL has been revealed to be faced by the problem lack of devotion by employees in their duties. As it was revealed, the poor performance of the, the media integrated Media Solutions LL was embedded on this problem which affected the efficiency in the company as expounded by Bloui, & Neuhauser (1999).

Theoretical framework of the problem facing the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL

According to Bostrom (2007), workers in any social organization need to be motivated by being given good payment packages. In his theory of scientific management, Taylor asserted that, workers in any social organization should be rewarded according to their specific roles and achievements. By so doing, the employees would be motivated to perform better so as to get the rewards promised. As Kenneth & Loudon (2007) puts it, the lack motivation in employees of an information system generally attributes to its overall poor performance.

Certainly, the organizational matters concerning employees’ welfare in an information system organization ought to be well addressed as Kenneth & Loudon (2007) asserts. More specifically, the main concern of any corporate organization is to address the strategic matters affecting the achievement of its laid goals and objectives. Generally, an information system organization needs to evaluate its past performance so as to form a basis of action framework for the future as postulated by Salmela (1993). In this regard therefore, an information system organization ought to develop its plan of action in addressing the problems affecting its performance so as enhance its better performance in the future.

In addition, Boland and Hirschheim (1987) believed that; in addition to good pay of workers in social organizations, their social needs ought to be met as well. More precisely, employees in any social organization ought to be left to socialize and share views in various issues which would help them to perfect in one area or another. In his theory of human relations, Mayo postulated the need of coherence in all dealings in organizations where employees are provided with good payment packages in addition to their social needs well catered.

As far as the study of the problems in the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL is concerned, the failure of the employees in the company to devote in various activities can be linked to their lack of motivation. As revealed by various researches, the lack of good payments for employees in the company was the main cause of unwillingness of employees in carrying out their various activities. Perhaps, Bergeron, Buteau, & Raymond (1991) argues that, lack of motivation in information systems’ employees can adversely affect the general performance of the of such information system organizations.

Relevance of the study to the problem facing the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL

Being a social organization the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL is entitled to portraying social values to its fraternity so as to enhance co-existence which would in turn result into improvement of the company in terms of its performance. In fact, Kenneth & Loudon (2007) links an organization’s level of performance to the welfare of its employees; who are the ultimate determinants of the performance such an organization. Vividly, the low performance in the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL could only be resolved through an organized framework of strategies on how to motivate employees through good payment packages among others.

In his book, Benbasat (1989) believed that; any social organization has to play a very critical role of motivating its employees by employing democracy of expressing their views in all concerned aspects. As the situation was in the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL, there were supposed to be a framework of expressing employees’ views in matters that concern their welfare so as to make them motivated. Generally, it is of great importance for any social organization to note the importance of employee motivation which in turn results into better position of the organization in terms of its performance. Perhaps, the Media Integrated Media Solutions LL ought to consider the employee welfare as part of its key pillars for its prosperity which would in turn result into its better performance.

Reference list

Benbasat, I. (1989). The Information Systems Research Challenge: Experimental Research Methods (Vol. 2), Boston: Boston University Press.

Bergeron, F., Buteau, C. & Raymond, L. (1991). Identification of Strategic Information Systems Opportunities: Applying and Comparing Two Methodologies. New York: MIS Press.

Boland, R. and Hirschheim, R. (1987). Critical Issues in Information Systems Research. New York: Wiley Publishers.

Bostrom, D., (2000). MIS Problems & Failures: A Socio-Technical Perspective. New York: Routledge Publishers.

Bostrom, R. & Heinen, S., (1977). MIS Problems & Failures: A Socio-Technical Perspective, Part I: The Causes. New York: MIS Press.

Blouin, D. & Neuhauser, C. (1999.) Integration of Strategic Planning and Project Management. Web.

Gomolski, B., (2004. IT strategy: Going beyond the platitudes. Web.

Luftman, J. & Brier, T., (1999). Achieving and sustaining business-IT Alignment: California Management Review 42(1). New York: Prentice Hall.

Raghupathi, W. and Tan, J., (2002). Strategic IT applications in health care, Communications of the ACM, 45(12). New York: Harcourt Publishers.

Salmela, H., (1993). Designing Information Systems for Changing Organizations. London: Macmillan Publishers.

Kenneth C. & Loudon, J., 2007. Management of Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm, 10th edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

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