Management Models and Increase in Complexity

Organizational management requires close supervision of the key activities performed in the corporate setting, as well as the understanding of the inherent connection between these activities and the mutual effect that they produce on one another. Therefore, it is vital to select management models based on the unique properties and needs of a company. However, with the rise in the complexity of a firm, a shift in the management to said processes typically occurs, mostly due to the changes made to the supply chain and the related tasks (Zwikael et al., 2018). Therefore, it would be logical to presume that the changes in the size of a company defines the choice of a management model. Since the expansion within an organization suggests changes in how responsibilities are delegated and how the key logistics processes are carried out, the specified process mist invite a change in the management model so that respective processes could be regulated accordingly.

Due to the interrelated nature of management frameworks and the scale of an organization’s performance, the changes in its size need to be correlated with the reconsideration of the management model within a firm. Specifically, smaller organizations typically require a more simplistic infrastructure and, therefore, a less sophisticated management model, whereas larger companies need a more advanced management framework in order to coordinate the essential processes within it (Roespinoedji et al., 2019). Therefore, it is recommended that the size and scale of a company should be one of the deciding points for the change in the management framework adopted in the company. Although other factors should also be taken into account, the size of an organization as the key determinant in its performance scale and its SCM infrastructure must be used to define the management approach.


Roespinoedji, D., Faritzal, A., Sudrajat, A., Ahmed, U., & Oktari, S. D. (2019). The effect of HR relational strategy and transactional strategy on supply chain performance: The moderating role of environment orientation. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(2), 1.

Zwikael, O., Chih, Y. Y., & Meredith, J. R. (2018). Project benefit management: Setting effective target benefits. International Journal of Project Management, 36(4), 650-658.

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