Management of Change and Professional Safety – Article Critique

The given article reminds us that the management of change and risk management in organizations are interconnected. Many accidents, which entail significant human and material losses, are caused by the inability to recognize and manage changes correctly. It has repeatedly been confirmed in the course of investigations of the causes of accidents. The inability to recognize and take control of changes not only directly affects the safety and integrity of the facility but also imposes a significant impact on production.

The author discusses the Management of Change requirements in OSHA’s PSM Standard presenting examples. These examples support the statement that the prejob planning system and training are essential in the process of managing organizational change. The work provides the overview of the change management process and presents the instructions on how to create and use a MoC system. It also reminds of the importance of training. The author states that “the culture change necessary to implement a successful MOC system is impossible without a training program that helps supervisors and workers understand the concepts to be applied” (Manuele, 2012, p.40). Change management is a very complicated process. It is essential to remember that simple decision making is not enough – it is necessary to make each member of the team understand the importance and benefits of changes, both for the organization as a whole and for him or her personally.

When all the employees are involved in the process of change, it becomes clear that a new successful idea should not be brought to the company by one person in an attempt to impose it on others. Such an imposition usually takes place when someone attends a course and then tries to introduce an instrument or innovation in an organization with established principles. A new idea should be a grain thrown into the soil of a company. At the same time, employees should speak the same language and study an idea together, gradually moving towards the in-depth understanding of it and weaving into the management practice. Such an approach introduces changes to employees reducing the risk of injuries.

The article teaches that an event that would necessarily occur is not a risk, and the actions which should be taken in connection with it are determined within the framework of normal planning and management, rather than risk management. Risk management is the procedures and actions that allow a manager to identify, evaluate, monitor and eliminate risks before or during their transformation into problems. Risks should be identified as early as possible before they become problems (in this case taking measures requires less efforts). When the risk is identified, it is necessary to decide how to react. The task of a project manager is to select the actions that will reduce the possibility of an adverse event or reduce its consequences in case of the risk realization.

The author comes to the conclusion that Change Management (MoC) is a systematic approach to organization management, which allows for the successful and smooth introduction of changes and ensures their effectiveness in the future. The article is useful and informative because, with such an approach, production risks connected with changes are recognized and mitigated before the change is implemented.


Manuele, F. A. (2012). Management of change. Professional Safety, 57(7), 35-43.

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