The Indian culture represents a challenge for many international companies. For this reason, Hyatt Hotel develops unique strategies to manage a culturally diverse workforce. The purpose of diversity management is to level cultural, religious, age, and social differences and create effective communication and a positive climate. Equality of treatment and opportunity has been the official policy of some IT organizations for many years. In their standards of recruitment, training, and promotion, Hyatt Hotel has been more effective as an equal opportunity employer than the private business sector. But even in government and human services agencies, there is room for improvement. Many equal opportunity employers are merely paper compilers; their behavior is anything but exemplary of equality in action. In contrast to these policies, Hyatt Hotel in India does its best to attract and retain top talents. If the policy of equal employment opportunity (EEO) is to apply without regard to sex, race, creed, color, or national origin, an important first step is to ascertain whether influential members of an organization harbor prejudices (Armstrong 44).
In Hyatt Hotel, the planning function of HR management supports all activities and determines the overall performance of the HR department. The purpose of this function is to coordinate the actions of Hyatt Hotel employees and meet the requirements of the hotel. Planning is one of the key elements to success in business. Basic problems of business failures are poor location, undercapitalization, or unprofessionalism of managing staff. But all these problems start on the stage of planning. In India, marketing, as a business activity, must be planned. The plan contains information about the nature of the business, the set of actions for the company directed to fulfill its customers’ requirements in the marketplace (Barham and Conway 87).
Specifically, many Indian minority workers quit or retire from organizations without ever having understood what their supervisors diagnosed as their needs, why certain procedures were followed and, if the failure resulted, what their failures consisted of and the reasons for them. The minority workers’ rights include the right to courteous, prompt, and the best supervision (Reed 54). In India, they have the right to know what is wrong, why, and what can be done about skill deficiencies. The Hyatt Hotel managers could build a case of minority workers’ ignorance as being a byproduct of the managerial mystique. That is, Hyatt Hotel’s administrators and supervisors are commonly perceived as being people whose training and predilections place them in a special ability category. To put it even more bluntly, there is a tendency for Indian minority employees to be in awe of administrators. For the Hyatt Hotel, the challenge to managers and supervisors is to demonstrate that competence and empathy are not unique to members of a particular group (Beardwell et al 87).
Ta Hyatt Hotel, the HR plan is not only a subject of academic researches, but it also received its practical implementation with the ability to differentiate between success and failure in any organization. While making an HR plan Hyatt Hotel considers such basic concepts as external environmental assessment of the Indian economy, current HR situation, competitive advantage, and future strategies (Bartlett and Ghoshal 72). In India, Hyatt Hotel provides various approaches to planning; therefore this process might include different elements, depending on an organization and desired results. Planning provides Hyatt Hotel with a forward-looking view of the total enterprise. It is the basis for determining the fundamental strategies to be employed and the objectives, programs, and resources required. Hyatt Hotel planning is to a business enterprise what thinking is to an individual. It supplies the rational means for achieving maximum market-striking power and results from the resources in hand.
The function of diversity management can be applied by using (1) training programs for employees, (2) introduction of the codes of ethics, and (3) cross-cultural management philosophy accepted by n organization. Planning function can be applied by (1) a new approach to work structure and controls, (2) the development of specific courses of action for each department, and (3) the establishment of clear objectives and goals.
Works Cited
Armstrong, M. Human Resource Management. Kogan Page. Behavior. 2nd edn. Boston: Kent Publishing, 2003.
Bartlett, C. and Ghoshal, S. Managing Across Borders: The Transnational Solution. 2nd edition, London: Ramsden House, 1999.
Barham K., Conway C. Developing business and people internationally: A mentoring approach. Ashridge Research, 1998.
Beardwell, I. Holden, L., Claydon, T. Human Resource Management, London Pitman Publishing, 2004,
Reed A. in Human Resource Management. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2001.
Schuler, R. Managing Human Resources. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing,1998,