Mark Rober: Communication Skills Analysis

People with nearly ideal communication skills can often be described as leaders with many followers. In the digital era, such people regularly acquire a fair amount of followers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These channels of communication require a high level of social skills that will make a person interesting to follow among hundreds of thousands of others since it is easy to enter this stage.

For this discussion, I chose Mark Rober, a famous YouTube vlogger who delivers content that aims to introduce users to the basics of science and promotes imaginative thinking. The primary source of Rober’s popularity can be attributed to his communication skills, which lead to the high quality of delivery of said content to his viewers. Mark Rober has over 16 million subscribers on YouTube and over 1.5 billion views total. Aside from his success on YouTube, he is also known for a successful launch of the hashtag #teamtrees on Twitter. He presents himself as a highly energetic and easy-going person who genuinely enjoys his work. Moreover, his videos contain all five storytelling components that engage the public with exciting content that is easy to follow while also putting his channel on top of the competitive environment (Huang & Grant, 2020).

The combination of Rober’s ingenuity and social talents brought him the unique opportunity to earn his living by creating popular science videos and providing online lessons for users interested in an in-depth look into his working process. However, his online presence does not end with YouTube videos, as Rober actively engages in conversations with his followers over Twitter and other social media platforms. Mark Rober possesses the qualities of a transformational leader who inspires people to take action. In my career, I can use the same manner of content presentation to reach and connect with a broader audience online or offline.


Huang, T., & Grant, W. J. (2020). A good story well told: Storytelling components that impact science video popularity on YouTube. Frontiers in Communication, 5. Web.

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