Marketing Challenges Faced by Newly Launched Products in Hong Kong

SEIKO, the world’s leading watch manufacturer is one of the subsidiaries of Seiko Holding Corporation. SEIKO Watch Corporation became an independent company in the year 2001 to be able to offer better products to consumers around the world. The company introduced an innovative product in early 2008, Seiko Premier Kinetic Perpetual.

This consumer product is an addition to the existing premium category product line with additional features. The company claims that the watch has a time relay system that preserves accurate time up to 4 years; and a perpetual calendar to the year 2100. The product is available in two color combinations- black dial with silver numerals and white dial with black numerals besides a large date indicator at the noon position. The company believes in an innovative thought that the watch and the wearer must be in perfect harmony to have an emotionally satisfying bond, the concept behind the Emotional Technology.

The company, of course, has faced many challenges in marketing where so many established world-class brands existed. The first question before the company might be, did the market need a new watch band? But, the answer was in the affirmative and they introduced the highly fashionable and practical brand in the market. The first challenge was concerned with the brand positioning- which targets customers must be aimed at; then the company faced stiff competition from the established brands. The product was not going to face any social and ethical issues when it was exported to (Seiko’s Premier’s Latest Kinetic Perpetual Watches Stylishly in Black or White with Power Save Function. 2008). (Technology: The appeal of emotional technology. 2008).

SD-Interface BGA Module

Cactus technologies Ltd. has been meeting the needs of industrial customers worldwide by giving flash storage solutions in several different forms for the past few years. The company introduced a new addition to its product family on 16 October 2008- the SD-Interface BGA Module. The Company claims that “SDChip is a BGA Module with SD Interface designed to be soldered as a component for customers in the Industrial embedded marketplace.” (Cactus Technologies, Ltd. Introduces Innovate SDChip. 2008).

Since the new product is in addition to the company’s product line, the company has not faced much effort in the initial stages of marketing such as market segmentation and market positioning. Also, the company needed to concentrate only on industrial consumers, which does not raise many marketing challenges. As the world is shifting towards fast growth in technological innovations, the new brand can catch the world market so easily (Cactus Technologies, Ltd Introduces Innovative SDChip SD Interface BGA Module, 2008).

Marinated Butterfly chicken

This new consumer product was introduced by Gold’s Plump Poultry; a Hong Kong-based Poultry started in 1926. The company has been offering innovative chicken products to their esteemed customers which keep them in the kitchen for less time and with all the goodness of homemade food products.

The product is an addition to the company’s existing product line which has already been established in the market. The market for processed chicken is limited to few institutions like hotels, fast-food restaurants, and meager households. The main marketing challenge that processed chicken products face is its transportation. The chicken needs to be well preserved in refrigerators during transportation from the place of the producer to the place of consumers. This creates a major challenge when these two points are far away. As regards the social issues of poultry firms, in general, are concerned; the company is facing problems like the ban of slaughtering of chicken, the waste management, etc (New Products Launched by Golden Plump Poultry, 2008).


Cactus Technologies, Ltd Introduces Innovative SDChip SD Interface BGA Module. (2008). [online]. EON: Enhanced Online News.

Cactus Technologies, Ltd. Introduces Innovate SDChip. (2008). [online]. Cactus Technologies.

New Products Launched by Gold’n Plump Poultry. (2008). [online]. World

Seiko’s Premier’s Latest Kinetic Perpetual Watches Stylishly in Black or White with Power Save Function. (2008). [online]. Seiko: Thong Sia Watch Co. Ltd. Web.

Technology: The Appeal of Emotional Technology. (2008). [online]. Seiko: Thong Sia Watch Co. Ltd. Web.

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