Marketing Strategy: Selecting the Distribution Channel

Product Description

Business organizations should use appropriate strategies to deliver quality products to their consumers. Effective distribution channels make it easier for companies to market their products successfully. The targeted products are hand-crafted sculptures and paintings. Skilled sculptors and painters will be hired to produce superior masterpieces. As well, some artworks will be outsourced from independent sculptors and painters. In order to achieve quality results, a simple distribution structure characterized by several retailers will be used (Armstrong & Kotler, 2015). This essay gives a detailed description of the proposed distribution channel.

Rationale for Selecting the Distribution Channel

The identified products will target specific individuals who embrace different works of art. Tourists from different regions and countries can also become potential customers. That being the case, one intermediary will be required to be part of the distribution chain. The distribution channel will have “three actors namely producer, retailer, and consumer” (Naslund & Williamson, 2010, p. 14). The use of this distribution channel will ensure more potential customers are informed about the products. The decision to sell directly to the potential customers might be disadvantageous. This is the case because more people might not be sensitized about these paintings and sculptures. The most important goal is to maximize sales and increase profits.

Promoting the Products

The members involved throughout the channel will be empowered to ensure the products are marketed to the ultimate consumer. To begin will, the most reliable marketers will selected to support the distribution channel. The team will have a manager to ensure finished sculptures and paintings are delivered to the right retailers. The retailers will be selected depending on their locations and ability to attract more customers (Selim & Ozkarahan, 2008). Regions characterized by many tourists will also be considered. Every staff member will be encouraged to focus on the most appropriate marketing strategies that can add value to the consumer (Done, 2011).

Pull and push promotional strategies will be used throughout the marketing process. The distribution channel will be characterized by a few showrooms. Such showrooms will be managed by the company. Customers who visit the showrooms will be informed about different masterpieces from talented artists. Buyers who visit such showrooms will get attractive discounts. The move will encourage them to buy more artworks.

These aspects will support the push promotional strategy. Pull promotional strategies will be used to attract the largest number of customers (Armstrong & Kotler, 2015). The most desirable tactics will include the use of advertisements and social media networks. These promotional methods will inform more customers about the targeted artworks. Social networks such as Twitter and Facebook will ensure more people are informed about the masterpieces.

Products and Physical Facilities

As mentioned earlier, several competent artists and sculptors will be hired to produce masterpieces that can fulfill the needs of more customers. As well, some works of art will be outsourced from artists who work independently. However, the issue of quality will be taken into consideration whenever acquiring different works of art. These strategies will ensure the products compete successfully in the marketplace.

A big store will be constructed to be used as a warehouse. Retailers will also be required to have enough space for hoarding the works of art. The company will acquire several vehicles to ensure the masterpieces are transported to different retailers and outlet stores (Naslund & Williamson, 2010). The logistical process will ensure the products are delivered to the retailers in a timely manner thus making them available to different customers.

Sales Staff

The hired sales people in different showrooms will be selected using a rigorous process. An interview will be conducted to ensure the most qualified persons are hired (Wisner, Tan, & Leong, 2011). The individuals will also be trained in order to become competent marketers. They will be equipped with appropriate communication skills in order to address the needs of more customers. The coordinators will also be required to manage the sales staff in every showroom (Wisner et al., 2011). The organizational leader will equip every person will the most desirable competencies.

Supporting Channel Members

The channel members will expect me to provide the best ideas and support to them. I will equip them with the most desirable logistical ideas and competencies. The marketers and other players will be informed about the best practices. A powerful leadership approach will be used to support the needs of the channel members. The retailers will also be encouraged to use the most desirable marketing strategies (Felea & Albastroiu, 2013).

The retailers and sellers in different showrooms will be equipped with effective pull promotional strategies. The artists or producers will also be required to deliver quality artworks. This approach will ensure the products attract more customers.

The organization will also be structured in a professional manner in order achieve the best goals. The company will employ competent leaders to support every distribution process. Every stage of the distribution channel will have a coordinator. The coordinator will ensure every process is completed successfully (Selim & Ozkarahan, 2008). The coordinators will also be required to collect useful information from different customers. The information will be used to make new improvements that can support the marketing process.

Reference List

Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. (2015). Marketing: An Introduction. New York, NY: Pearson.

Done, A. (2011). Supply Chain Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Framework. Working Paper, 1(1), 1-23.

Felea, M., & Albastroiu, I. (2013). Defining the Concept of Supply Chain Management and its Relevance to Romanian Academics and Practitioners. Amfiteatru Economic, 1(1), 74-88.

Naslund, D., & Williamson, S. (2010). What is Management in Supply Chain Management: A Critical Review of Definitions, Frameworks and Terminology. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 11(4), 11-28.

Selim, H., & Ozkarahan, I. (2008). A Supply Chain Distribution Network Design Model: An Interactive Fuzzy Goal Programming-Based Solution Approach. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36(1), 401-418.

Wisner, J., Tan, K., & Leong, G. (2011). Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach. Chula Vista, CA: South-Western College Publisher.

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