Marketing Strategy in Business

Importance of Marketing for a Business

Marketing is an integral part of the business as it engages customers. Marketers have the task of studying the market – its trends and buyers’ needs. They create forecasts of a specific demand and how the business can satisfy it. As a result, companies receive guidance for making the most profitable decisions about their activities. Moreover, marketing connects businesses with the target audience – it informs buyers about the product, studies their feedback, and uses various tools to make the product more attractive. Thus, marketing is necessary to increase profits, make decisions, and support relations with the audience.

Marketing Strategy Analysis

Analysis of the strategy is necessary to identify its strengths and weaknesses for further improvement. Assessment of the goals achieved, the profits, and the number of new customers is essential in studying the marketing strategy’s effectiveness (Harris, 2018). The progress in the set goals and the increase in profits are evidence of the success. It is also important to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to understand whether the investments correspond to the received yield. The assessment also studies customers that have used a product or service, clients that have gone, and the audience’s response to the company.

Marketing Strategy to Launch a New Product

Nowadays, the most innovative approach is using a digital marketing strategy. It includes working with social networks, supporting the company’s websites, and other activities using technology. Strategy embrace analyzing competitors and setting goals with appropriate steps. The firm should actively work on social networks to communicate with audiences and choose the right time to present a new product (Asset Digital Communications, 2021). Communication with customers is critical – their feedback and reaction to advertising will demonstrate how successful the launch is and whether something should be changed in the plan.


Asset Digital Communications. (2021). Tips to craft a digital marketing strategy for a new product launch. Asset Digital Communications Web.

Harris, N. (2018). How to measure marketing effectiveness by setting SMART goals. New Perspective. Web.

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