Marketing: The Absolut Vodka Ad Campaign

The selected brand and product, Absolut Vodka, is selected for this report in relation to an ad campaign that lasted for over twenty-five years. The series of advertisements employed by the firm depicts the iconic bottle shape of the brand within locations. A metro entryway in Paris gives the illusion of the bottle’s shape, as does the formation of a number of taxis within some of the earliest samples of the campaign (Goldfarb, 2021).

The success and scale of the campaign have even resulted in the emergence of collectors. The standard bottle of the brand is simple and not especially eye-grabbing which may have contributed to the ways in which it was easily integrated into the 1500 separate advertisements made for the campaign. The simple form of the bottle allows images to be diverse, and interesting and provides designers with fewer limitations in their vision. As such, while the core of the ad remains the same, it continues to be fresh to consumers without costing the brand recognizability and brand awareness.

The effects of the campaign can be observed through the success of Absolut within the market. Prior to the ads, the firm had only acquired a small hold on the vodka market, but following the campaign efficient expansion was made as an imported product. Advertising an alcoholic product is especially complex as the promotion of liquors may enforce various restrictions throughout the world. As such, a different campaign may have lacked the universal factor and would have been subject to limitations, censorship, or other modifications within certain markets.

I selected this campaign for its unique but simple approach to a market that is structured through diverse and strict policies. As such, the success of the campaign and its effects on Absolut are important and substantial.


Goldfarb, A. (2021). Absolut obsessive: 30 years after the campaign launched, passion for collecting remains. Vinepair. Web.

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