Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement: Impact on Modern Society

The lesson on the Civil Rights Movement has been a major source of inspiration for me. The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American society was massive: it has prohibited discrimination in employment and public accommodation business based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It taught me the importance of social activism and changed my opinion on protests. Whenever I have a chance, I participate in my community’s life, and I am more confident in my ability to help others, for instance, I always try to encourage someone in choosing a career path or going to college. This course has greatly improved my understanding of American history.

The Civil Rights movement has had a significant impact on the history of the USA and played a significant role in forming modern society. Aneja and Avenancio-Leon (2019) mention a few critical reforms that targeted economic disparities — the Equal Opportunity Act (1964), Civil Rights Act (1964), Fair Labor Standards Act Amendments (1966), and Fair Housing Act (1968). Voting Rights Act (1965) was key to putting an end to the tactics used by white supremacists in an attempt to deny the voting rights of African Americans. However, Anderson (2018) argues that even during the 2016 election, “Republican legislatures and governors systematically blocked African Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans from the polls” (p. 5). It leads to the conclusion that the fight for equal rights is not just history, but an ongoing process, and our generation has a chance to make an impact.

The ideas of Martin Luther King are still very relevant and influence our lives nowadays. Much like Gandhi, King (2019) campaigned for non-violent resistance to fight the unjust system and rejected hate and malice. His works inspire modern activists worldwide and the Black Lives Matter movement is not an exception. However, Myers (2017) notes that “after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted, however, King along with others charted a more radical and much less successful course.” Myers (2017) warns BLM of repeating the mistakes of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, as the radical approach is destructive and leads to nihilism and fragmentation of society. Overall, peaceful protest has proven lately to be as relevant as ever, and the success of the revolution in Armenia in 2018 is a perfect example of that.

I would advise new students to approach this course with an open mind as it is vital for understanding the challenges society has faced throughout the decades. For instance, it is particularly important when learning about the struggles of minorities in the USA. Many of the topics covered, such as the Civil Rights Movement, have profoundly influenced Americans’ lives, and to move forward, one has to know their roots.

Some of the essential strategies I used throughout the course are the use of multiple sources and debating. Learning through participation in discussions is extremely beneficial for any student, as it allows one to develop critical thinking and enrich one’s perspective. Any studies can benefit from a collective input, but I believe that the only way to learn history is through exploring a multitude of opinions. Unlike the exact sciences, history often offers no absolute answer to a question. However, proper research and the use of different sources allow one to see events from different perspectives and analyze them objectively.


Aneja, P., & Avenancio-Leon, C. (2019). The effect of political power on labor market inequality: Evidence from the 1965 Voting Act. Law NYU. Web.

Anderson, C. (2018). One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression Is Destroying Our Democracy. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (2019). Strength to Love. Beacon Press.

Myers, P.C. (2017). The mind of Black Lives Matter. National Affairs. Web.

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