Human Motivation: Insights from Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland

Background information

Motivation refers to various innate forces that create impetus for satisfaction and fulfilment of recurrent human needs. Such forces are vital in determining human drive and willingness to perform under diverse existential contexts. Devoid of motivation, human beings find it difficult to pursue undertakings that characterize existence in contemporary society. Recurrent human needs manifest in pertinent areas such as physical, emotional, and psychological facets.

In order to understand the dynamics that characterize motivation, it is important to develop a structural regime that seeks to demystify and evaluate human action and reaction to situations that arouse desire for satisfaction. Most of these situations do not require effort or a premeditated plan of action. In fact, they manifest as components of natural processes that prompt human beings to become either active or inactive.

Maslow’s rationale for work motivation

Maslow’s foray into human motivation seeks to explain recurrent desires for satisfaction and fulfilment in diverse realms of engagement in society. He analyzes numerous faculties that relate to human motivation within diverse contexts. For instance, he covers pertinent areas such as emotional, physical, and psychological demands that facilitate human action and reaction to cues that emanate from realities of existence. According to Maslow, human beings strive to fulfil basic needs before engaging in pursuit of secondary gratification.

Failure to achieve primary fulfilment leads to disorientation and inability to master inner satisfaction. Such disorientation manifests through anxiety and tension. Maslow argues that primary satisfaction and fulfilment ushers innate desire for secondary contentment. According to this premise, people who achieve primary satisfaction desire constant betterment that often goes beyond basic thresholds that define human existence in social contexts.

Such scenarios suffice as metamotivation, a descriptive phrase that explains the aforementioned occurrence. In the Norsk Petroleum case study, Elizabeth seeks to fulfil her secondary needs that revolve around satisfaction and constant betterment at the work place. She feels the urge to broaden her professional horizons in order to enhance her future prospects. Maslow’s theoretical discourse illustrates how such occurrences shape destiny among human beings.

On the other hand, Rennemo seeks to satisfy the primary needs that are evidently critical in his life. He tenders resignation from his current position in order to have more time with his family. According to Maslow’s theory of human needs, Rennemo desires the third level of needs. This level revolves around interpersonal relationships and interactive regimes. Individuals who fail to achieve satisfaction at this level exhibit various signs of disorientation. In Rennemo’s case, such deficiencies affect his performance at the workplace.

Herzberg’s rationale for work motivation

Herzberg motivation theory states that human beings have a recurrent need for attention and satisfaction. According to this theoretical premise, failure to satisfy such needs often leads to poor performance and lack of motivation. Herzberg differs with Maslow with regard to the dichotomy of needs that determine motivation among workers in different organizational contexts. The theorist argues that human beings derive motivation from higher needs that embody existence and propagation in diverse realms of existence.

In the Norsk Petroleum case study, there is sufficient illustration with regard to Herzberg’s assertions. Elizabeth presents her resignation in order to pursue further gratification through more challenging undertakings. This illustrates the core articulations that manifest in Herzberg’s motivation theory. On the other hand, Rennemo strives to fulfil needs that suffice as critical to human existence. His desire for quality time with family demonstrates a recurrent need for fulfilment and inner satisfaction.

This theory rationalizes behaviour that manifests within organizational contexts in contemporary society. The Norsk Petroleum case study presents realities of how people continually seek satisfaction and other forms of gratification. It also demonstrates various psychological, physiological, and emotional thresholds that define motivation within corporate entities.

Employee behaviour and motivation depends on personal experiences that suffice in diverse contexts of human existence and sustenance. Many motivational theorists impress on the relationship between motivation and basic needs that are important for human existence.

McClelland’s rationale for work motivation

McClelland’s theoretical approach focuses on the need for achievement within social contexts. According to him, human beings possess innate desires that often revolve around achievement and other areas that support realization of such interests. He argues that such desires create impetus that ultimately precipitates motivation and the need for fulfilment. This theorist contends that highly motivated people strive to hone their capability and competence in whatever task they undertake.

In the Norsk Petroleum case study, this theoretical concept is evident in both cases involving Elizabeth and Rennemo. For instance, Elizabeth exhibits signs that are indicative of motivation and desire for success. Such individuals strive to undertake activities that support the realization of basic ideals that characterize existence in diverse contextual thresholds. They clamour for success through avenues that guarantee fulfilment and gratification.

This assertion is apparent in Elizabeth’s case because she tenders her resignation in pursuit of challenges that will ultimately satisfy her desire for gratification and fulfilment. On the other hand, Rennemo seeks to fulfil basic desires that trigger the need for satisfaction and fulfilment. Emotional and interpersonal needs are integral with regard to human existence and propagation in different social contexts.

Devoid of their fulfilment, people experience difficulties that arise from inner feelings of inadequacy and discontent. Rennemo opts for a corporate position that accords him the opportunity to spend time with family. This illustrates the importance of guaranteeing such facets of fulfilment.

Main differences between the three theories

In most cases, theories revolve around thematic areas that embody fundamental ideas and thoughts. Such ideas suffice in diverse contexts depending on their application and prevailing circumstances. Motivation theories harbour similar ideas with regard to human desire for fulfilment and contentment. However, such theories apply different approaches in their quest for rational justification and comprehensive coverage of the subject matter.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs motivational model impresses on stratification and various domains with regard to human needs. Herzberg motivational theory preoccupies with basic needs that define human existence in society.

According to this theory, human beings desire certain needs that characterize family and interpersonal relationships. McClelland’s motivational need theory seeks to explain factors that characterize individuals who possess high levels of motivation. According to this theory, highly motivated people seek challenges that hone their clamour for success in various engagements.

Conclusion and recommendations

Motivation is an important aspect with regard to human existence in contemporary social contexts. It offers opportunity for individuals to pursue and actualize undertakings that portend success in diverse social contexts. In organizational contexts, it is important for leaders to initiate programmes that support employees in attaining various ideals that characterize their essence in society. In the Norsk Petroleum case study, there is need for structural frameworks that guide the actualization of the aforementioned programmes.

Lisa should conduct internal appraisal with a view to quantify and categorize areas that require improvement. Consequently, she should activate systems in recognition of various motivational thresholds that manifest with regard to employees. This will play an important role in streamlining operations and creating room for success and accomplishment within the organization. It will also bolster employee retention and sustenance.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, May 14). Human Motivation: Insights from Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Human Motivation: Insights from Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland." May 14, 2020.

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