Successes and Opportunities in Master’s Nursing Programs Explored

Successes and Opportunities in the Master’s Nursing Program

The master’s program has equipped me with a wide range of skills, competencies, and concepts that can make me a provider of exemplary health care services. The program is governed by different theories and models that ensure nurses can offer quality care. The Quality and Safety and Education for Nurses (QSEN) project define the skills, competencies, and attitudes required by nurses who have completed their master’s degrees (Bruce, Rietze, & Lim, 2014). This requirement was a major opportunity that made it easier for me to acquire new competencies that support my nursing philosophy.

The unique competencies associated with the master’s degree make it easier for more students to develop new concepts and ideas that can make a difference in the healthcare sector. For instance, the program focuses on specific aspects such as leadership and health systems (Middleton, 2014). The program empowers nurse practitioners (NP) to undertake a wide range of leadership roles (Middleton, 2014). Such roles ensure more nurses possess different skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, integrity, and communication (Iglehart, 2013). These skills will definitely support my healthcare delivery model. Health systems (HS) is a useful field that guides nurses to offer long-term and acute care to their patients.

The course has equipped us with various dexterities such as evidence-based practice, continuous learning, and cultural competence. This knowledge is critical because the advance practice nurse (APN) is always expected to engage in lifelong learning (Al-Sawai, 2013). The individual can embrace the power of scientific inquiries and researches in order to engage in informed nursing practices. Evidence-based practice is another powerful opportunity associated with the master’s program. This kind of practice encourages nurses to use existing scientific knowledge to inform their medical decisions and models.

The program prepares APNs to practice in a wide range of healthcare settings. For instance, APNs can become nurse anesthetists, midwives, family nurse practitioners, or pediatric nurse practitioners. After successful completion of the course, the learner can select the best specialty and eventually realize his or her career objectives. Individuals who want to become proficient provider of quality nursing services should therefore focus on this program (Bruce et al., 2014).

The master’s program has numerous advantages. For instance, the learner acquires new theories and concepts that define nursing practice. Management of care delivery is also taken seriously by students of nursing (Al-Sawai, 2013). Students pursuing their master’s degrees in nursing find it easier to develop the required knowledge, interpersonal skills, and leadership dexterities. Such competencies eventually make it easier for more students to improve the quality of patient care.

Practicum Project

The practicum project focused on the prevention of the complications associated with the use of PICCs (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters) and their reinsertions. This project embraced the use of patient-centered care as one of the key competencies that can be used to support the needs of more patients. Throughout the project period, the competency was taken seriously because it had the potential to deliver quality support to the targeted patients. Patient-centered care is “a powerful strategy whereby the patient is treated as a partner who should participate in controlling care delivery based on his or her preferences” (Bruce et al., 2014, p. 67).

The practicum project made it easier for me to understand the meaning of the competency and subsequently apply it to a clinical problem. The approach focused on the relevance of communicating positively with patients, listening to their problems, and addressing their needs and wishes in a timely manner. The values and beliefs of the targeted patients were respected throughout the project. The project made it easier for me to understand some of the best practices and approaches that should be considered whenever addressing the health needs of different patients with PICCs (Konjević et al., 2015).

Several competencies were identified that can be embraced by nurses and caregivers who want to maximize the health outcomes of the patients with PICCs. For instance, nurses should be aware of the patients’ backgrounds and offer sufficient emotional support. Continuous assessment of the patient, involvement of family members, and communication emerged as some of the useful attributes of patient-based care. It is also necessary for nurses to use their skills and competencies to influence the outcomes of the patients. Continuous collaboration between nurses and patients is a powerful approach that ensures that the emerging problems are addressed (Konjević et al., 2015). The combination of attitudes, knowledge, and skills is necessary in order to become leaders in patient-based care delivery.

Nurses begin by analyzing the unique needs of the patients. The next thing is ensuring that the risks facing the patients are addressed. Patients’ attitudes, backgrounds, and feelings should also be considered whenever providing quality care. The major skills associated with nursing should also be used to foster effective communication, think critically, and eventually deliver evidence-based care to the targeted patients (Iglehart, 2013). I strongly believe that this new competency will make me a proficient provider of quality and timely services to my patients.

Proposals and Developments for the Master’s Program

From this analysis, it is agreeable that the aspects of the master’s degree program are adequate for different nurses. Individuals who want to become professional APNs can pursue the program and eventually realize their goals. The program identifies the major competencies that are essential for nursing. It goes further to equip learners will adequate dexterities and skills that can support the health needs of more patients (Bruce et al., 2014).

On top of that, the program widens the knowledge of the learner and prepares him or her to offer quality care in a wide range of healthcare settings. These aspects should be kept the same in order to ensure more people receive quality care.

The unique attributes associated with the program such as leadership and promotion of positive health systems are appropriate for APNs. With proper leadership, nurses can empower their workmates, design the best care delivery models, address emerging problems, and eventually improve the quality of care. When these attributes are retained, more APNs will become competent providers of care. Similar practicum experiences can ensure more APNs support the changing health needs of their patients (Iglehart, 2013).

A new focus on the use of nursing informatics and modern technologies will empower nurses to improve the practicum experiences of many clients. The learners should understand that informatics can transform the quality of nursing care. The use of such technologies will ensure every nurse is prepared to support patients in different settings (Bruce et al., 2014). The nurses will become pioneers of meaningful use. When the concept of meaningful use is embraced in the program, more APNs will find it easier to develop superior nursing philosophies.


Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of healthcare professionals: Where Do We Stand? Oman Medical Journal, 28(4), 285-287.

Bruce, A., Rietze, L., & Lim, A. (2014). Understanding philosophy in a nurse’s world: What, where, and why? Nursing and Health, 2(3), 65-71.

Iglehart, J. (2013). Expanding the role of advanced nurse practitioners: Risks and rewards. The New England Journal of Medicine, 368(1), 1935-1941.

Konjević, S., Djukić, D., Stanimirović, B., Blagojević, A., Bobić, V., & Banja, B. (2015). Peripherally inserted central catheter complications in neonates. Journal for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, 10(1), 16-19.

Middleton, J. (2014). Leadership skills for nurses. Nursing Times Leadership Supplement, 1(1), 1-34.

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