Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program


Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs target RNs looking to advance their education. As a BSN-prepared nurse, I have more opportunities and job options coming in handy than I would with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). With detailed research about BSN including its better patient outcomes, earning a BSN was to offer me a sense of accomplishment and educational equality and assist me in expanding my career options. As a result, I was motivated to pursue the RN to BSN program. I started my RN to BSN program in January 2021, taking more than two courses simultaneously. I took classes on each start date, as I understood how vital every class was to me. The program sharpened a range of skills and with the help of educators, they instilled new skills in me, including evidence-based practice, leadership, management skills, and caring for particular populations.

RN-BSN Program

Before the RN-BSN program, I was often a charge nurse in a supervisory role. Still, undertaking a leadership class through the program helped me become a better leader with improved bedside care and nursing knowledge. Before enrolling in the program, the knowledge I had allowed me to perform most vital procedures, but as a BSN, I learned the science behind everything I practiced in-depth. The emphasis on safety and quality education for nurses’ competencies gave me a milestone for providing better patient care (Spencer, 2021). In addition, before the program, I needed to gain in-depth knowledge of health informatics, safety, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care. According to Knecht et al. (2020), providing care through teamwork and collaborative care became easy because of the RN-BSN program. I gained more knowledge on informatics, and it positively influenced quality improvement and care provision. The program allowed me to learn new skills from other professionals, which broadened my knowledge and perspective. Therefore, those interactions in RN-BSN programs ultimately assisted me in becoming a better nurse.

Lifelong Learning

In nursing professional practice, I have seen many changes since first entering the profession. The changes ranging from emerging research that alters patient care plans to policy reforms that advance patient engagement have made healthcare evolve progressively faster. Throughout my nursing practice, I realized that ongoing learning is an essential aspect of maintaining a solid nursing practice. My duty regularly expanded my knowledge and skills through continuous education to realize high-quality patient care (Spencer, 2021). Through the RN-BSN program, I experienced a sense of personal fulfillment by becoming more skilled and knowledgeable. As a result, I increased my self-confidence in both my professional and personal life. My self-confidence allowed me to trust my knowledge and abilities to apply what I learned in the program. In addition, the program improved my skills, such as adaptability, self-reflection, leadership, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and interpersonal skills.

Furthermore, the RN-BSN programs shaped my attitude towards a better understanding of patient care and ascertaining what is necessary for promoting healing. The positive attitude gained enabled me to focus on providing selfless service and upholding compassion during care. In addition, acquiring knowledge of the latest evidence-based care, social justice, advocacy, and policy reform formed the cornerstone for understanding and dealing with issues in modern nursing practices (Knecht et al., 2020). The comprehensive knowledge acquired provided long-lasting and tangible impacts on patient care such as improving health outcomes and reducing mortality rates. In addition, the RN to BSN programs is designed to augment professional improvement, prepare for broader scopes of practice, and offer a better comprehension of social, economic, political, and cultural issues influencing patients and care delivery. As a result, I strived to provide holistic care that is patient-centered.

Novice to Expert

Generally, across the United States, qualified nurses are required for advocacy, education, leadership role, and bedside care. Therefore, becoming a professional is the dream of every person taking a nursing career. The initial step to this fulfillment entails getting a solid education and becoming a registered nurse. The second step involves choosing a nursing path, which requires consideration of the roles one intends to play. Career paths typically dictate the nursing degree needed and the nursing program, which involves classroom instructions and clinical experiences. Clinical training through BSN allows for gaining hands-on knowledge, asking a question in real-life scenarios, connecting with nurse professionals, and observing how a medical facility operates. However, in my case, before choosing a program, it was essential to determine how nursing school best fitted into my life. With the passion of becoming an RN, I obtained a bachelor’s degree because it offered an in-depth education that equipped me with more knowledge and skills for nursing practices.

The third step towards becoming an expert involves being licensed, which includes taking an examination to demonstrate nursing skills and knowledge upon completing education. License is essential to nurses practicing, and exams are a prerequisite to obtaining licensures. RN requires completing a nursing diploma, ADN, or BSN and passing the National Council Licensure Examination RN before earning their state license (‘‘Clinical nurse specialist details how to rise from novice to expert in the APN role,’’ n.d.). The final step involves becoming a lifelong learner, which is essential when dealing with the evolving healthcare industry regarding new treatments and technologies. Pursuing careers through lifelong learning is essential in realizing expertise as it equips one to take advantage of new roles and opportunities. Therefore, the journey from novice to expert in nursing primarily entails continuing educational courses, being certified, and earning an advanced degree.

Synthesis of Role Transition to Professional Nursing

I took a nursing career as I genuinely believed that the urge to assist people through nursing is a calling, which I felt to be drawn towards those in need. RN-BSN program enabled me to perceive nursing as an honorable career and not just a job for earning a paycheck. My mission as a professional has been intertwined with providing nonjudgmental care to persons in need, irrespective of their social and economic backgrounds. Through RN to BSN program, my philosophy has drastically changed after realizing that nurses are responsible to the public for offering holistic, safe, and patient-centered care. The use of clinical judgment has been beneficial in assisting me meet patients’ needs. As advocates, it has been possible to empower patients by encouraging them to engage in their care activities and have mutual goal-setting with professionals (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). In nursing, the practitioner must educate patients and families about healthy behaviors, treatments, and diseases to promote the best outcomes. Through nursing professionals, one also understands how to promote positive, healthy traits in their life, believing that providing better care to others requires caring for self-first.


After undergoing the RN to BSN program, I realized I had gained leadership skills. I was better positioned to use my decision-making skills in setting policies for my nursing team. I also offered guidance by cultivating an environment of continuous learning and development amid healthcare systems. Besides, I also communicated effectively throughout my practice and adapted to constant changes in the nursing profession. However, one program that I would like to improve is cultural awareness, as the program needs to focus more on developing communication skills that promote interaction of diverse cultures.

Furthermore, the support the BSN program offers to apply evidence-based practice (EBP) is an aspect I would not want to see changed. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold (2022), in the current nursing practice, EBP is vital in promoting healthcare delivery. The practice has empowered BSN nurses to incorporate technology in their practice enhancing their potential to work in multidisciplinary teams and formulate health policies besides taking leadership roles. Therefore, retaining the program will ensure that practitioners strive to deliver high-quality patient care in many nursing specialties, which is recommendable.


Clinical nurse specialist details how to rise from novice to expert in the APN role. (n.d.). ONS Voice. Web.

Knecht, L. D. A., Dabney, B. W., Cook, L. E., & Gilbert, G. E. (2020). Exploring the development of professional values in an online RN-to-BSN program. Nursing Ethics, 27(2), 470-479. Web.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (5th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Spencer, J. A. (2021). Integrating service learning into the RN to BSN curriculum with the application of QSEN competencies. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(6), 1044–1048. Web.

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