Material Lab London Specifiers and Design Analysis


Material Lab is one of the modern studios showcasing technological innovation in the design world. It is one of the collection centers for various assortments of tiles and innovative art and design materials in continental Europe. The Lab represents more than 60 design manufacturers and thus acts as a conduit for them to display their products to the public. During my short stay in London, I had an opportunity to experience the uniqueness, beauty, and artistry of designs in this glamorous, warm, welcoming, and relaxing gallery. This experience was eye-opening in terms of exposure to the current innovative technologies in the design world.

My Experience

Art and Design have evolved and taken a different approach in tandem to changing views on design and creative industries. Most industries center strategic business values on increasing profit, in the material Lab, I recognized a new revolutionary way towards creating public awareness that could help towards profit in the industry. My experience has helped me appreciate how people evaluate the aesthetic value and maximally work with designs in their chosen solutions.

Material Lab has strengthened the culture of creativity and innovation in the design of architectural solutions by integrating societal needs while augmenting commercial specialization. Besides being a showroom, the Material Lab values perceptions or concerns of the society and incorporates them in designing solutions that fit the needs (Johnson).

Various artistic designs enthralled me and made my experience at Material Lab very exciting. The material specifier wall, where multiple samples are displayed for viewing gives the general designs at a glance. The Material specifier wall comprises more than 650 sample materials. The samples comprise of different colors and textures providing the broader concept of design technology in the world. The designs in the shop have clear labels and descriptive labels to enable visitors to comprehensively familiarize themselves with besides having free samples if they do wish to carry (Johnson).

One other remarkable feature of the lab that thrilled me was the typical restructuring of brands daily to ensure every visit generates a new experience. Some of the most memorable design technologies included; “creative photovoltaic glass, wall coverings, light – transmitting concrete, mother-of-pearl tiles, felt rock, light passing on concrete and sound deadening matting” (Johnson). Besides the mentioned designs, the Material Lab has displays of fabrics, trims, and wallpapers.

The assortments of tiles have been creatively designed providing an inspirational environment; they have been collected from various specialists and manufacturers globally. Pearl and carpet tiles, for example, show the creative footage on display at Material Lab. They are in different patterns e.g. “Labris, Manchet, laluna, diamond, star and honeycomb” (Johnson). These patterns illustrate different designs used in their make. For example, some are patterns are of porcelain pieces, marble chips, and gemstones and are well labeled in terms of where they are imported from; around the world.

Besides conventional designs, sustainability is quite evident at Material Lab. Sustainability technology in design is a phenomenon growing globally at a phenomenal pace. By embracing eco-friendly technologies, the Material Lab has leaned towards stocking eco-friendly products such as; “recycled plastics, ceramics, cork-flooring heat pressed corrugated cardboard, eco-resin panels and bottle bank glass” (Johnson). This ensures that visitors can understand and appreciate the importance of using these materials in lessening eco-pollutions or environmental degradation.

Generally, my experience at Material Lab was great in terms of exposure to the wind of change blowing in the design world. Apart from industries improving conventional design products and related processes, new technologies that are eco-friendly and are in line with sustainable development are gaining more prominence in society (Johnson). This is because society being sensitive to environmental issues such as pollution, lessening waste and energy saving towards creating a steady and balanced ecosystem. Therefore, practically speaking, adopting the model of Material lab makes a lot of economic and environmental sense. The eco-friendly nature of the Lab makes is agreeable to society.

Works Cited

Johnson. Material Lab. 2007. Web.

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