Maybelline New York: Global Marketing Concept


The emergence of the concepts of global and international marketing was primarily due to the globalization of business activities and the liberalization of trade. Yet it raised many issues, for example, the need for identification of key markets, challenges and opportunities they withhold, development of strategic plans by company’s divisions worldwide, and more. In the framework of this paper, we will analyze the experience of Maybelline New York.

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First of all, it is essential to highlight the difference between global and international marketing. Although some might believe these concepts are more of the same, global marketing is concerned with building a unified plan of operation in the worldwide market, while international marketing entails developing different approaches towards markets globally (Farell 5). Maybelline is one of the world’s leading cosmetics brands and is represented in 129 countries (Maybelline). Its approach relies mostly on the first concept, as the company has a unified image for its products worldwide, making them recognizable everywhere as something known, yet wanted by women.

Developing a global strategy involves the definition of business and reassignment of the rest to strategic business units (SBUs). SBUs deal with the development of global strategy and can be divided into groups depending on the type of customers to serve or the products and services the company produces (Farell 282). For Maybelline, the message revolves around accessible cosmetic products for young women with middle-to-low income requiring products of high quality (Maybelline).


Different motivations could drive companies’ internalization. For example, they could be doing it because of the benefits that come with entering a new market (proactive) or could be doing it because they have to (reactive) (Farell 153). For the multinationals like Maybelline, internalization is a rational track of development, as, generally, it is pushed by the company’s successful performance domestically and the request for expansion. Still, Maybelline does not operate in every market in the world yet, even for multinationals, there do exist unattractive markets that invoke more losses than benefits.


Farell, Carlyle. Global Marketing: Practical Insights and International Analysis. SAGE, 2015.

Maybelline. Maybelline New York. Web.

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