McDonald’s Consumer Decision-Making and Its Factors

What kinds of factors (external or internal) would influence consumers’ store choice?

Internal factors (Khanlari, 2015) will possibly influence consumers’ store choice more than external factors in this case.

  • Their openness to experience (a part of the five-factor model) will have an impact on whether they are ready to use the new technologies offered by McDonald’s.
  • Such values as hedonism (the desire to taste food the components of which were chosen by the customer) and stimulation (the wish to have new experience) will also have an influence. Hedonic motivation will play an important role in purchasing from McDonald’s.
  • The customer’s lifestyle (the ways in which they spend money, and their interests) will let them allocate money to McDonald’s products.
  • The clients’ perception of McDonald’s’ brand will let them choose this restaurant due to its perceived quality.
  • The consumer’s beliefs about dietary issues might also drive them to use the digital kiosks for creating customised burgers.

What steps of the consumer decision-making process are more likely to be affected by McDonald’s innovations?

The steps of the consumer decision-making process (Hoyer, MacInnis, & Pieters, 2013) will be affected as follows:

  • The need recognition will not be affected much, because clients will still use McDonald’s when they are hungry or wish to spend leisure.
  • The search for information will not be influenced considerably, because most clients will still rely on internal search.
  • While evaluating the alternatives, it is likely that the clients will consider the new services (such as charging one’s mobile phone or using the new tablets to use the Internet, games, and social networks) and options (ordering customised burgers) when choosing which restaurant to go to at the moment.
  • Purchase decisions will also be affected by the new options available at McDonald’s. For example, the clients will make their choices in accordance with the option to have unlimited French Fries (as long as it is available). They will purchase the new items on the menu; buying customised burgers appears to be a very attractive proposal.
  • Consumption will probably not be affected much, for the clients will still consume their products mainly in McDonald’s cafes or take them away to eat them soon while they are still warm.
  • Post-consumption evaluation will be affected, because clients will assess the new experiences (tables, customised burgers) after using the restaurants.


Hoyer, W. D., MacInnis, D. J., & Pieters, R. (2013). Consumer behavior. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Khanlari, A. (2015). Strategic customer relationship management in the age of social media. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

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StudyCorgi. "McDonald’s Consumer Decision-Making and Its Factors." April 7, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "McDonald’s Consumer Decision-Making and Its Factors." April 7, 2021.

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