Fox NFL: National Football League Broadcast

Favorite TV Show

One of the most popular television shows in recent years is Game of Thrones based on a series of novels with the same name. The show is shown on the channel HBO, a premium pay-television network. The HBO network is owned by Home Box Office Inc. Meanwhile, the show is distributed by Warner Bros. Television (WBTV) which is part of Warner Bros. Entertainment. Both, Home Box Office Inc. and Warner Bros. are subdivision companies owned by the media conglomerate Time Warner.

Time Warner is also the owner of digital properties and networks such as CNN, TBS, TNT, Adult Swim, and Cartoon Network and has an investment in the CW network and numerous sports entities related to basketball such as NCAA and NBA. Time Warner remains the third-largest media conglomerate in North America and specializes in various forms of entertainment (“About us”). In October of 2016, AT&T announced the decision to enter talks on purchasing Time Warner for $85 billion. Negotiations of this scale require approval by anti-trust regulation and the process is currently ongoing. However, financial experts predict the acquisition will be approved, leading to a merger of AT&T, a telecommunications giant, and Time Warner, a media entertainment company (Kim).

Favorite Sports Team

Philadelphia Flyers is a hockey team in the National Hockey League based in the City of Philadelphia. It is owned by Comcast Spectator which is a sports and entertainment company that has ownership or stakes in a variety of national-level sporting teams based in Philadelphia. At one time, it owned the Philadelphia 76ers and a regional network known as Compact SportsNet. The company also owns and manages the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia which is the home arena of the Philadelphia Flyers and serves as a venue for major entertainment events in the city.

Comcast Spectator is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation, international telecommunications, broadcasting, and entertainment conglomerate. The spectator was originally founded by Flyers owner Ed Snider. Eventually, Comcast Corp., also located in Philadelphia, bought a majority share in the company and renaming it. In 2016, after the death of Ed Snider, Comcast Corp. bought out the remaining 24% shares from the family’s estate and became the sole owner of the enterprise (Hughes).

Favorite Game Broadcast

Fox NFL is the brand that is utilized to broadcast games by the National Football League. These broadcasts are produced by Fox Sports which is a programming division of the Fox Broadcasting Company (FOX) that televises the games. Fox Broadcasting Company is a subsidiary of the massive Fox Entertainment Group that has primary segments of film, television, broadcasting, and cable network programming. Fox Entertainment Group is a subdivision operated by the international media conglomerate 21st Century Fox. Other known subsidiaries of the corporation are 20th Century Fox films, FX Networks, Fox News, and National Geographic Channels (“Our Company”).

21st Century Fox holds 39% of Sky plc which is major European media and pay-TV broadcaster, attempting to gain full ownership. At the end of 2017, Walt Disney Co. has announced purchasing the full stock ownership of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion, including 20th Century Films, FX Networks, and National Geographic. Fox Broadcasting Co. along with Fox Sports, Fox News, and Fox Television Studios will be combined into a separate subsidiary of the corporation run by the current owners, the Murdoch family. While the merger is finalized at the corporate level, it will require investigation by anti-trust government regulators (Littleton and Steinberg).

Works Cited

“About Us.” TimeWarner, n.d. Web.

Hughes, Travis. “Comcast Now Owns 100 Percent of the Philadelphia Flyers.Broad Street Hockey. 2016. Web.

Littleton, Cynthia, and Brian Steinberg. “Disney to Buy 21st Century Fox Assets for $52.4 Billion in Historic Hollywood Merger.” Variety. 2018. Web.

Kim, Tae. “Buy Time Warner Because There Will Be a Bidding War for Hot Assets Like HBO if AT&T Deal Is Blocked: UBS.” CNBC. 2018. Web.

“Our Company.” Fox, n.d. Web.

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