Medicaid Expansion: California’s Success vs. Texas’ Refusal


Medicaid is among the programs in the healthcare system that strive to support vulnerable populations who would otherwise be uninsured. The government aims to improve health outcomes by offering better access to healthcare. However, while some states expand Medicaid, others refuse to do so for specific reasons. While California expanded the program and saw improvements in health outcomes, Texas chose not to extend the program because of political justification, financial concerns, and healthcare system capacity, dramatically lowering the state’s efficiency.

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The state that has expanded its Medicaid program is California, where the program is commonly referred to as Medi-Cal. Anyone who is fifty years of age or older will have full access to Medi-Cal beginning on May 1, 2022, irrespective of their immigration status, according to a recently passed California law (DHCS, 2023). The first way in which the quality of healthcare improved is seen in improved outcomes. Most low-income individuals now have access to Medicaid due to the program expansion. It was discovered that Medicaid had decreased out-of-pocket medical expenses and improved timely interventions (Cha, 2022).

Another way in which healthcare has been improved can be seen in financial benefits. California has experienced a significant change in the financial burden on healthcare providers (Cha, 2022). Finally, Medicaid expansions boosted financial stability for people and hospitals while enhancing access to healthcare. The program adoption is linked to lower overall and condition-specific death rates (McConville, 2021). Therefore, the establishment of Medicaid has led to significant benefits.

Meanwhile, Texas is among the states that did not engage in the program expansion. The first reason behind such a decision lies in political ideology. Republican party expressed their concerns regarding the cost of the program and the burden associated with it (Krisberg & Leffler, 2022). Another reason behind such a decision is connected to long-term financial consequences. Although the federal government supports the program, the state will eventually have to deal with potential costs (Krisberg & Leffler, 2022). Finally, the capacity of the healthcare system in the state of Texas is a significant issue. Due to agency staffing shortages, health activists are concerned about Texas’ ability to examine the eligibility of millions of Medicaid enrollees (Klibanoff, 2023). Therefore, there are significant material and immaterial concerns regarding the program expansion.

As for the arguments for Medicaid, it is noteworthy that the program is significant for protecting vulnerable groups of the population. The program is crucial for ensuring that low-income individuals have access to urgent healthcare (McInerney et al., 2020). Moreover, aside from improving access to care, the program emphasizes health outcomes and preventive care. Medicaid is essential since it helps to manage chronic conditions better and reduce hospitalizations (McInerney et al., 2020). Finally, the program is vital for economic benefits since it improves job growth in the healthcare sector and reduces uncompensated costs (McInerney et al., 2020). Therefore, there are more benefits of the program that can have a positive impact on both the public and the sector.


In summary, Texas decided not to expand the program due to political rationale, financial worries, and healthcare system capacity, which significantly decreased the state’s efficiency. In contrast, California extended the program and witnessed improvement in health outcomes. California is the state that has engaged in the expansion of its Medicaid program, and there, the program has contributed to lower mortality and better health outcomes. However, Texas is one of the states that decided against expanding the Medicaid program for budgetary reasons. Regarding Medicaid’s defenses, it is essential to emphasize that the program is necessary for safeguarding the population’s most vulnerable groups.


Cha, P. (2022). Medi-Cal expansion has reduced financial barriers to needed health care. Public Policy Institute of California. Web.

DHCS. (2023). Older adult expansion. California Department of Health Care Services. Web.

Krisberg, K., & Leffler, D. (2022). Why Texas Republicans still oppose Medicaid expansion. The Texas Tribune. Web.

Klibanoff, E. (2023). Texans brace for the end of nearly three years of pandemic Medicaid coverage. The Texas Tribune. Web.

McConville, S. (2021). Health care reform in California. Public Policy Institute of California. Web.

McInerney, M., Winecoff, R., Ayyagari, P., Simon, K., & Bundorf, M. K. (2020). ACA Medicaid expansion associated with increased Medicaid participation and improved health among near-elderly: Evidence from the health and retirement study. The Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 57, 1-10. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 10). Medicaid Expansion: California’s Success vs. Texas’ Refusal.

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