Medical Ethics and Right to Autonomy

The movie Wit indicates that Vivian’s right to autonomy is violated. For instance, when she determines that her condition has deteriorated significantly, the doctor does not alleviate her fear and offers her minimal advice. He does not explain her diagnosis, the options, and the potential treatment risks elicited in her case. The doctor provided her with inadequate information concerning her diagnosis regarding compassion or empathy. He gives her information concerning the condition without providing additional data to help her understand the situation. The doctor mentions she has developed advanced metastatic ovarian cancer. Furthermore, the doctor fails to mention that Vivian’s experimental treatment remains untested. This is an ethical issue as the patient should ascertain whether they would accept the treatment. The Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 dictates the responsible party in various clinical trials register and submit information results for some trials to the ClinicalTrials.Gov databank (FDAAA, 2022). In this way, the doctor conducted an unethical experiment on Vivian, as they had no way to determine its effectiveness or safety. Patient autonomy entails determining one’s rights to make informed decisions for themselves. Vivian’s case raises a major ethical issue as the doctor limited her access to information, as she does not get the opportunity to agree to such experimental treatments. The FDAAA discerns that patients should decide to participate in experimental treatment. The doctor should have sought consent from friends, family, or advocates. Researchers have to get consent from a likely research subject (FDAAA, 2022). Additionally, personnel in the healthcare industry are not highly concerned about the patient’s health conditions. For instance, Vivian frequently feels discomfort or pain without any form of relief.

The doctor posited rude behavior when conducting a pelvic exam on Vivian, an issue that Susie, the nurse, saw and communicated about. Vivian decided to let go as the movie ended when the doctor called a particular code but did not consider her DNR situation as he was fixated on the patient as a research focus instead of Vivian as a person.


FDAAA (2022). FDA and U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 

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