Debating Florida’s Medical Marijuana: Bill 1397 Analysis

Problem Statement

Since there are plenty of health care issues, policies, regulations, and laws that are discussed regularly by health care legislators, it is important to select the one that seems to be most controversial. As far as Florida is concerned, the issue that is addressed most frequently is the use of medical marijuana. Regular legislative sessions are devoted to this problem because is it almost impossible to reach a compromise. The major reason is that there are some ethical problems involved in the discussion.

Thus, it is highly important to estimate what pros and cons of the legal use of medical marijuana as it can produce an unprecedented impact on health care.


The problem is connected with the pending of Bill 1397, concerning particular issues associated with the medical use of marijuana, which has already been declined several times. This document is a general bill introduced by the Health and Human Services Committee, Rodrigues, Appropriations Committee, and Edwards. It proposes to introduce tax exemption on the medical use of marijuana and to give certifications to clinics that propose systems of treatment and regulations (Compton, Han, Hughes, Jones, & Blanco, 2017). The problem is that the bill might be supported by the clinics and patients, but still face the opposition of the regulatory bodies.

As far as the impact of the bill is concerned, I believe that some organizations will consider innovation as a violation of ethical norms (Adler & Colbert, 2013). This implies that the issue will still arouse a lot of controversies. Still, to my mind, this drug is indeed capable of relieving pain and side effects of several diseases, including cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Hepatitis C, and others. Thus, we need to overcome all prejudice connected with marijuana and create the best possible conditions for its medical application.


Adler, J. N., & Colbert, J. A. (2013). Medicinal use of marijuana—Polling results. New England Journal of Medicine, 368(22), 866-868.

Compton, W. M., Han, B., Hughes, A., Jones, C. M., & Blanco, C. (2017). Use of marijuana for medical purposes among adults in the United States. Jama, 317(2), 209-211.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 19). Debating Florida’s Medical Marijuana: Bill 1397 Analysis.

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StudyCorgi. "Debating Florida’s Medical Marijuana: Bill 1397 Analysis." September 19, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Debating Florida’s Medical Marijuana: Bill 1397 Analysis." September 19, 2020.

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