Medication Errors and Nurses Awareness


The American Journal of Nursing was selected as a focus for the submission of the publication, as it is highly reputable and has leading positions among other nursing journals. Alternatively, it concentrates on the enhancement of the evidence-based practice and encourages the development of the services in a positive direction in the nursing sphere (The American Journal of Nursing: About, 2016). As for the submission criteria, the authors must follow the general standards of the APA citation style and assure the quality of the submitted work (The American Journal of Nursing: Information, 2016). In turn, the research topic has to be novel and useful because the article will be peer-reviewed (The American Journal of Nursing: Information, 2016). In the end, it could be said that the journal utilizes general formatting and submission criteria while promoting the excellence of the nursing practice and vitality for improvement.

Research Steps

The title of the project is ‘The frequency of the medication errors and its consequences among the patients of the medical facilities and the necessity to increase nurses awareness and control: Proposal of the relevant solutions’. In this instance, the current problem can be formulated as the regularity of the medication errors tends to be present and leads to the adverse consequences of the health of an individual due to the lack of the competences among personnel. Consequently, the purpose of the project is to determine the existence of the issue, determine its rate, assess the consequences, and provide suitable solutions to the current problem. In this instance, the research questions can be formulated as ‘Is the problem of medication errors frequent and significant in the medical sphere?’ and ‘Is the presence of the medication errors related to the lack of knowledge and control?’. In turn, the hypothesis can be formulated as the lack of educational background and managerial control is the primary reason for medication errors.

As for the methodology, the literature review will be used to understand the nature of the problem. In turn, the quantitative research method will be utilized to analyze statistical information about the frequency of the medication errors while determining the potential cause of the mistake and referring to two variables’ lack of control and incompetence. The results will be portrayed in the form of the statistical charts.

The results depict that 46% of the cases occur due to the lack of educational background about the functioning of a particular medication with another treatment. In turn, the malfunctioning of the management was a reason for 23% only. Subsequently, the causes of 31% were unidentified. In this instance, the outcomes highlight that the significance of the medication errors cannot be underestimated due to the frequent occurrence and their ability to be a primary cause of the development of illnesses, malfunctioning of organs, and death. In conclusion, the importance of medication errors cannot be underestimated due to adverse consequences. Suitable solutions are the development of the educational session about the usage of medicine, intensified education during studies, and the introduction of a sufficient monitoring network.

Effect on the Nursing Career

The selected topic will have a positive influence on the quality of the nursing services while enhancing their excellence. In turn, it will contribute to the minimization of deaths due to medication errors. Additionally, it will encourage individuals to improve their level of knowledge of the functioning of the medication to avoid being the cause of one’s death. Lastly, it will enhance the competences of nurses and improve the efficiency of the managerial systems in the hospitals while modifying the perceptions of nurses as medical professionals.


The American Journal of Nursing: About the journal. (2016). Web.

The American Journal of Nursing: Information for authors. (2016). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 23). Medication Errors and Nurses Awareness.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Medication Errors and Nurses Awareness." November 23, 2020.

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