Public Health Efforts to Support Mothers During Pregnancy


Obesity, hypertension, bleeding, malnutrition, and mental health issues are some of the common problems a woman may face during and after pregnancy. Unfortunately, some women cannot carry their pregnancies to term and may experience miscarriage or fetal loss. Because giving birth is a matter of life and death for women, they require special attention and care during and after pregnancy. The current discussion analyses the National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW) and its efforts to better the lives of pregnant and lactating women.

Link to the information about the advocacy campaign.

Organization Overview

The NAPW is a non-profit organization that strives to improve the conditions of pregnant women and protect their rights, such as the right to abortion. Another key public health objective of NAPW is helping vulnerable groups of women, including low-income families, racial minorities, and people with disabilities (Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Heath, 2022). Ultimately, the organization seeks to assist mothers during and after pregnancy.

Organization Strategies

Since the government is in charge of public health in the country, the organization primarily attempts to influence official decision- and policy-makers. Moreover, it tries to raise public awareness concerning the dangers that pregnant women face. To achieve these objectives and influence notable decision-makers, NAPW uses several strategies. First, public briefings are a low-cost and straightforward way to gain many public supporters because they reinforce the agenda and help push it forward (Stellefson et al., 2020). After all, when people know who or what they are supporting, it is easier to persuade them to join the organization’s cause. Secondly, the organization uses social media to raise public awareness about the necessity of public health efforts to support pregnant women. As the research shows, this strategy is highly effective in expanding the scope of the project and attract more followers (Stellefson et al., 2020). As a result, NAPW utilizes two primary methods to achieve its objectives in conveying the organization’s mission to the government and the people.


However, the NAPW’s efforts to advocate for women face political, economic, and social challenges that thwart its attempts. For example, the group represents women in court to defend their dignity and rights (Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Heath, 2022). Economically, the organization lacks adequate finances to fund women during and after pregnancy (Enos, 2022). Moreover, the organization finds it hard to regulate abortion among women because some states have implemented laws that make abortion legal for pregnant women.

Personalization Efforts

The participation of communities and individuals is critical in the personalization efforts of NAPW to help pregnant women. There is a large variety of options for how people can support the organization and feel involved in the process. For instance, NAPW offers merchandise, initiates crowdfunding campaigns, and asks for voluntary donations (Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Heath, 2022). These methods help the company personalize its advocacy efforts and receive essential financial help.

Social Media and Measurement

As mentioned slightly before, social media is one of NAPW’s primary strategies to obtain public support. Social media can connect people from different parts of the world together, and the organization uses these opportunities to the full extent (Stellefson et al., 2020). Moreover, the feedback that the organization can be evaluated to understand the effectiveness of advocacy efforts. The number of donations and followers on social media is an easy-to-understand measurement that helps NAPW adjust its strategies.


Pregnant women require the highest level of care, both prenatal and postnatal, to ensure a high quality of life for both the mother and her baby. As a result, the government should ensure that every woman has a healthy baby and that she is well taken care of before, during, and after birth. To achieve this objective, NAPW strives to influence decision-makers and raise public awareness concerning the potential dangers of pregnancy and associated complications.


Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Heath. (2022). Pregnancy Justice | Legal Advocacy Groups. Pregnancy Justice. Web.

Enos, G. (2022). Advocates warn abortion decision has broad implications for at‐risk women. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 34(26), 1–8. Web.

Stellefson, M., Paige, S. R., Chaney, B. H., & Chaney, J. D. (2020). Evolving role of social media in health promotion: Updated responsibilities for health education specialists. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4), 1153. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 20). Public Health Efforts to Support Mothers During Pregnancy.

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