Medicine Is Not a Genetic Supermarket

Together with the development of society, medicine also develops, but some people are not ready to accept everything that science creates. There is an opinion that any intervention in human life to improve it is considered genocide concerning any social group. There are some people disagreeing with this view, however, it can be perceived as intolerance of people towards any community, intolerance towards the deaf, dwarfs, and others. After all, no one knows what actually underlies the development of new ‘drugs’ for people. The development of medicine, the fight against human nature, is what developed and continues developing our society.

One of the most arguable theme in medicine and human rights fields is abortion. Many people oppose abortion, arguing that it is immoral and unethical, demanding at the same time that prenatal diagnosis should be canceled. I am against the abolition of prenatal diagnostics because, in this case, there is an interference in the family or even personal life of individuals. It is similarly to an intervention in the woman’s body, to some extent, which has a direct impact on her health. I think it would be nice not to deny the prenatal diagnostic but to ask future parents whether they want to do this or not. I do not believe that termination of pregnancy is unethical for a woman who has made an informed decision about this.

The ability to acquire an egg cell in the modern world is also an indicator of the rapid development of medicine. The donor donates eggs for a woman who cannot get pregnant on her own due to reproductive health problems. For example, if the body does not produce oocytes or they are of unsatisfactory quality, and a woman with such conditions has the opportunity to become a mother, that is not immoral.

The complexity of this question lies in the fact that no one can be sure in which direction any experiment will turn. At the same time, humanity cannot refuse to form a new layer of human development, otherwise, it will cease to evolve. It is impossible to stop the development of medicine in any of its manifestations, even if some consider it to be just a genetic supermarket.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 7). Medicine Is Not a Genetic Supermarket.

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