Ganzer, Christine Anne. “Veteran Women.” The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 116, no. 11, 2016, pp. 32–39. JSTOR. Web.
The source is an academic article about mental health consequences of military service for women. Its purpose is to synthesize recent research on mental health conditions that affect female veterans, which prevalence I learned from the article (Ganzer). According to the article, all nurses should “understand the challenges faced by this population” (Ganzer 37). The author supports her claims with evidence from literature reviews. As an individual interested in social justice, I am particularly interested in learning about these challenges. The source is credible as it was published in a peer-reviewed journal and the author has a PhD and is a PMHNP and could be used in an essay to provide insight into the challenges faced by female veterans.
Kesling, Ben. “For Many Soldiers, Mental-Health Issues Start Before Enlistment; Childhood Trauma Can Be Amplified by Military Service, Studies Show; Emphasis on Providing Consistent Mental-health Care.” Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones &Company Inc., 2019. Web.
The source is an article that challenges the notion that combat experience is the root cause of suicidal behavior among veterans. The article cites Army studies that show many “soldiers in the service reported having some sort of mental-health issue before enlistment” (Kesling 1). This source challenges my belief that combat is the primary cause of mental health problems among veterans. I find this source interesting because it provides a different perspective on the issue. The source is credible as it cites multiple studies. I could use this source in an essay to provide evidence for the argument that mental health problems among veterans are common.
Williamson, Victoria, et al. “Perceived Stigma and Barriers to Care in UK Armed Forces Personnel and Veterans With and Without Probable Mental Disorders.” BMC Psychology, vol. 7, no. 1, BioMed Central. 2019. Web.
Mental Health Weekly Digest. “Researchers From Defense Health Agency Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Mental Health (Military Chaplains and Mental Health Clinicians: Overlapping Roles and Collaborative Opportunities).” Mental Health Weekly Digest, 2022. Web.
This news article discusses the complementary roles played by chaplains and mental health clinicians in addressing mental health concerns of service members. The main claim of the article is that “military chaplains and mental health clinicians have unique professional roles” in delivering care (Mental Health Weekly Digest 1). This conversation connects to current research on mental health issues faced by veterans. The article highlights the growing recognition of the importance of spirituality in the well-being. This source could be used to discuss the importance of collaboration between different groups in mental health issues.
Zeiss, Antonette. “‘Military Doctors Provide Veterans With Quality Mental Health Care.’ Do Veterans Receive Adequate Health Care?” Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, 2008. Web.
This source explores whether veterans receive adequate health care. Zeiss argues that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) “remains committed and prepared to address the continued needs of veterans” (Zeiss). I like this source because it presents specific details about the VA’s efforts to address the mental health needs of veterans. In my essay, I would use this source to support the argument that the VA is making a significant effort to provide quality mental health care.