Message to The Customer: Analysis

The Direct Approach

Dear customer, unfortunately, your order will be delayed by three weeks. The delivery company apologizes for the inconvenience and offers you a 50% discount on your next order as a bonus (Finne & Grönroos, 2017). The late delivery of your order is due to the fact that there is a high Christmas season demand, that is why the company is incapable of fulfilling some orders on time. Moreover, the sender company placed your order with a mistake in the address. When the order sorting center employees discovered the error, they demanded additional time to correct it. Our staff members make significant efforts to guarantee you receive your orders quickly. You can also send an email to the sender to ask for more information about the address mistake. Thank you for your understanding and one more time the delivery company apologizes for the discomfort.

The Indirect Approach

Dear customer, since the company that sent your order incorrectly performed the delivery address, there was a delay in delivery. Our employees, who are sorting the shipments in the sorting centers, have noticed the mistake and are working on correcting it in order for you to receive your order faster. However, there is a certain amount of Christmas demand, during which some orders may not arrive at their destination on time. In this way, unfortunately, your order will come three weeks late. The delivery company apologizes for any inconvenience and offers a 50% discount on your next order as a bonus (Finne & Grönroos, 2017). However, in order to receive detailed information about the address error, you can request the company to the sender. The delivery company apologizes for the difficulties that have appeared.


Finne, A., & Grönroos, C. (2017). Communication-in-use: Customer-integrated marketing communication. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 445-463. Web.

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