Methods and Stages of Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention begins with identifying and treating warning signals carefully. Suicide is an intense effort to end the pain that has grown intolerable. Suicidal people are blinded by issues with self, despair, and loneliness, and they see no other way out but death. Despite their wish to end their suffering, most depressed persons are highly confused about taking their own lives. They hoped there was an option to suicide, but they literally could not think of one. Doctors and social scientists have developed a variety of methods for categorizing subgroups of suicide based on conjecture about various motivations for taking one’s own life (Arensman, 2017). This paper is written with the aim of studying suicide prevention methods.

Many specialists have stated that psychological variables play a significant role in suicidal behavior. Psychological suffering is caused by the long-term denial of psychological demands. Not everyone who feels this way commits suicide, but for some, suicide seems to provide a solution to stop all pain. Suicide has a scientific foundation due to biological variables. Decreased levels of the brain’s chemical serotonin have been found in studies examining the relationship between thinking abilities and suicide (Arensman, 2017). Religious affiliation, firearm legislation, and media exposure to suicide are among social variables that have been researched in connection to suicides.

Depression therapies are constantly developing, and researchers have been working to uncover and test novel treatments; specific drug combinations have been studied. Other approaches, in addition to or instead of medicine or psychotherapy, can be beneficial. Physical activity, for instance, has been shown in studies to be effective in reducing depressive symptoms in patients suffering from people who are depressed (Arensman, 2017). Generally, psychodynamic therapy for depression has centered on assisting the depressed individual in uncovering and working through conflicting feelings toward the lost item. Therefore, reducing anger directed inside. Modern psychoanalytic techniques are more direct and short, with a greater emphasis on building adaptive strategies for gaining self-worth and addressing interpersonal issues.

People who commit suicide may believe they will be remembered or lionized after death or that their survivors would feel sorry for victimizing them. Suicidal mental patients compared to controls optimistic suicide expectations than nonsuicidal psychiatric individuals. They were more likely to believe that suicide would solve their difficulties. Suicide may symbolize a desperate attempt to solve one’s issues all at once rather than piecemeal. Social-cognitive theorists are also interested in the possible modeling implications of seeing suicide behavior in others, particularly among teens who are overburdened by scholastic and social stresses.

Seven techniques can assist in suicide prevention:

  • Questions can encourage people to verbalize unmet psychological needs and provide some relief.
  • The person needs to be shown that people understand how concerned they are.
  • Suicidal people usually see only two ways out of their predicament: either suicide or some magical solution. Professionals are trying to expand the available alternatives for suicidal people.
  • People with overt methods who also own the means are at greater risk, should be asked to leave their weapons
  • Many cities have hotlines that can be called anonymously.
  • Crazy comments are degrading and damaging and should be avoided.
  • Conflict with people could cause suicidal thoughts and should also be avoided.

To sum up, suicidal ideation can be prevented in time; however, people around the patient should take action immediately and not try to solve the problem on their own.


Arensman, E. (2017). Suicide prevention in an international context. Crisis.

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