Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest

The following document is a call for a separate republic to Texan Mexicans. At the time, they were experiencing violence and crimes committed by the Texas Rangers. The message was typed and features printed signatures of two people: the First Chief of Staff Luis de la Rosa and the Second Chief of Operations Aniceto Pizana. It is certainly written by the same two aforementioned individuals. There are no stamps, only the location and a centered line that says: “Long Live Independence”. Finally, to summarize the document, it is a message of encouragement to fight for the independence of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, written for Mexicans residing in Texas.

Said message must have been received by the Mexican citizens of Texas, as it was addressed to them. It was written by Luis de la Rosa and Aniceto Pizana. The file dates back to the year 1915 and was printed in the General Barracks of San Antonio (de la Rosa & Pizana, 1915). World War I was simultaneously taking place during that year. This document depicts the dispute between the Texan Mexicans and the Rangers. Thus, the file is rather concise in its empowering goal.

Luis and Aniceto wrote this file to discuss the criminal attacks and believed it could encourage Mexicans to fight for independence. The authors use this line to motivate the readers: “we could be free and we will be”. They believed they could not only help Texas become independent, but some other states as well (de la Rosa & Pizana, 1915). The dehumanization and the desire for salvation were the cause of the conflict. This emphasizes the severity of the depicted dispute between the two sides.

This document has introduced me to the conflict between the Texan Mexicans and the Rangers. As a piece of historical evidence, it explains the ongoing bigotry against the people of this nationality (de la Rosa & Pizana, 1915). I have learned about the severe discrimination of this nation. It provided me with a viewpoint that I normally would not see in other files. This is why this document is quite important and meaningful.

I may not find that information in other sources, as some of them may have the bias caused by the Rangers and other high-ranking officials. In order to more thoroughly review the event, I intend on searching for more documents and stories written both by Mexican officials and civilians. That way, I could better understand the severity of the conflict that was present during that time.


De la Rosa, L. & Pizana, A. (1915) Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest." May 10, 2023.

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