Clinical Site Insights: Catholic Hospice in Miami

Goals of the Clinical Practicum

The purpose of my work at the clinical site of Catholic Hospice in Miami is to find out the necessary information about the conditions in which patients with oncology are kept, as well as the measures that medical personnel take to improve the quality of life of their wards. I am going to study the structure of the site, its equipment, and the level of material resources. I can find the data that I need quickly because all the employees are ready to help me during my practice. Also, I may regularly learn a lot about the role, which nurses play while working in such medical institutions as hospice.

Benefits of the Site for Patients and Community Health Service

During this week’s clinical practicum I have managed to determine some advantages of the place where I am working. As a result of my impression, I can say that I have got a perfect experience, related to working with cancer patients. The organization of the activity of medical employees is at a rather high level. Moreover, I can see that hospice staff works in strict accordance with ethical rules and norms. As it is known, patients of such clinics should be their first responsibility (Catholic Hospice, 2017).

What concerns the benefits to the community that my clinical site provided, it is also possible to list a few advantages. For example, the hospice patients receive necessary care and are provided with all medicines and drugs. Furthermore, the management of the clinic is in constant contact with the relatives of those who are in their institution. In addition to medical care, professional specialists also provide psychological support for those who need it. The level of service is high enough and corresponds to all modern standards.


Catholic Hospice. (2017). Web.

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