Miami Health Survey: Insights on Diversity and Wellness

Introduction of Community

The city under investigation in Miami, Florida. Its population is both dense and diverse. It comprises several areas but is mainly represented by citizens who live in urban territories. Even though business districts are the most popular ones, there are some immigrant neighborhoods. Upper East Side, in particular, gathers individuals of various demographic characteristics. It includes both offices and residential areas. This fact presupposes the existence of different health problems. Thus, there is a necessity to develop varied health promotion activities in addition to those that can be generalized and applied to everyone.

Windshield Survey


The community is mainly represented by middle-aged people. Both mothers with little children and pregnant women can be seen outside. The number of the elderly seems to be smaller. They gather mainly in parks. It seems that the majority of the representatives of the general public are European Americans. Nevertheless, people of other races are also commonly seen. For instance, African Americans and Asian Americans were noticed during the survey. All in all, the community looks rather healthy. Citizens are well-dressed, their skin looks normal, and no visible symptoms of life-threatening illnesses are observed. The only people with obvious physical disabilities seen during the survey were the elderly who needed a wheelchair and a cane to move. There was no one with obvious mental disabilities, but obese people were seen, as well as tourists.

Indicators of social and economic conditions

The observation revealed that there were no problems with single-family homes. Public housing was in good condition too. The majority of the citizens used cars. However, bus stops were also well-equipped. People could easily get to healthcare facilities. Job opportunities were mainly connected with business due to the peculiarities of the area. Several homeless people were found on the street.

Those who had free time gather in groups in the daytime. Some school students were missing classes. A few political campaign signs were noticed. Health education reports regarding HIV/AIDs and obesity were seen (CDC, 2013). They encouraged citizens to have a test and be polite. In this way, many people received an opportunity to obtain this information, which is advantageous.

The city has private and public schools, and daycare centers. Children of different ages study there the whole day or part-time. They are taught using various methodologies, including Montessori’s one (The Miami Montessori School, 2017).

Health Resources

There are a lot of hospitals in Miami (Baptist hospital, University of Miami hospital, Mercy Miami hospital, etc.) that can be easily accessed due to their location. Some clinics work with various populations. Uninsured people can approach them without any complications. Family planning services are available. Both generalist and specialist doctors’ and dentists’ offices can be found. There are enough urgent care and blood donation centers, mobile health vehicles and pharmacies, etc. to serve the diverse and dense population of Miami.

Environmental conditions related to health

At first glance, Miami does not appear to be a polluted city. Just as in other urban territories, citizens’ health is influenced by vehicles and vessels that contaminate air and water. Housing is in a proper sanitary condition. Only some places are overcrowded and dirty. Those buildings that are far away from the center of the city require repair. The roads are not damaged. There are potholes. Drainage systems are present. Heavily trafficked areas are in the business center and near tourist places. Traffic lights, signs, and sidewalks ensure people’s safety. There are enough parking lots. In some places handicapped access is available. Citizens enjoy spending time at recreational facilities and playgrounds. Children can attend care facilities and preschools. They spend a lot of time on the playgrounds. Miami is full of restaurants. Food is sold on the streets as well. Some eat in public areas. They have access to trash receptacles and restrooms. Several cats and different nuisances can be seen.

Social functioning

Citizens represent several generations. Families comprise a married couple and two children in general. Mothers spend more time with kids regardless of work. Those who live in sleeping quarters tend to know one another and have good relations. Neighborhood meetings are held regularly. The neighborhood watch is maintained. Numerous worship places meet the needs of people who follow different religions (Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, etc.).

Attitude toward healthcare

Herbal and alternative medicine is available. There are shops and offices of medical practitioners that represent them. Clinics advertise specific services and health-related events. For instance, people are encouraged to visit education lectures. Thus, there are initiatives aimed at the improvement of community health.

Vulnerable population

Homeless individuals receive assistance from volunteers and governmental agencies (Miami-Dade, 2017). They can get food and medicines if they resort to shelters. The homeless use available resources as a rule. Nevertheless, some of them seem to be satisfied with their condition, as they ignore provided opportunities. These people wear clumsy clothes and reveal no aggressiveness.


Thus, the city has a healthy and safe community. There are a lot of resources that allow citizens to improve their health conditions and receive an associated education. Both minorities and majorities have an opportunity to maintain healthy lifestyles. Nevertheless, the population seems to suffer from homelessness and obesity, as they are highlighted by the community. People’s unwillingness to change seems to be the main reason they exist, as available resources are enough to improve the quality of life. However, additional health-related interventions are needed.


CDC. (2013). Community profile: Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Miami-Dade. (2017). Volunteers. Web.

The Miami Montessori School. (2017). About Miami Montessori. Web.

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