Micro Messages for Contemporary Societies

Micro messages are slowly becoming the most utilized communication aspects in contemporary societies. This approach is adopted by both organizations and individuals with the primary objective of increasing communication effectiveness. As a result, Sweet (2019) highlights that micro messaging tends to plug individuals, especially on different social media platforms, into the communication nuance and demonstrates the best approach to leverage it for everyone to benefit from it. A leading social media platform that has effectively utilized this approach is Twitter. Typical examples of micro messages include: what is Francesco? I like Francesco. I want Francesco. I am getting Francesco. These four sentences are the most prevalent micro messages that Francesco uses as a predominant organization. The organization has taken advantage of an increased number of users on Twitter and used micro messages with close regard to the AIDA model.

The message “what is Francesco?” as used on Twitter is a communication strategy to grab the target market’s attention. These forms the first component of AIDA; specifically, it gives the target audience its attention which develops the brand awareness of the organization’s campaign. The concept of interest is sparked in the message I like Francesco. It demonstrates an interest in the organization and the products and services it provides to individuals. Interest is also evident in the strategy that was adopted to pass the message that is using Twitter as a social media platform. Desire is presented in the message I want Francesco in the sense that the message portrays the desirability of the organization in question. Finally, action is demonstrated in the message I am getting Francesco. The message directly shows a call to action and where it is placed among the targeted market.


Sweet III, J. L. (2019). Micromessage: Reach and teach. 

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1. StudyCorgi. "Micro Messages for Contemporary Societies." March 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/micro-messages-for-contemporary-societies/.


StudyCorgi. "Micro Messages for Contemporary Societies." March 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/micro-messages-for-contemporary-societies/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Micro Messages for Contemporary Societies." March 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/micro-messages-for-contemporary-societies/.

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