Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution

The US constitution and the Minnesota state constitution are structurally similar in terms of having a preamble where an introduction to the document is presented. Moreover, both the MN and US constitutions have a bill of rights where the legal rights of citizens are listed. Furthermore, the two documents have the same outline of the governmental structure, yet one covers the state level while the other one illustrates the federal structure (legislative, executive, and judicial). A difference is the Bill of Rights, which includes a more extensive list in the MN constitution in comparison to the federal one.

The Minnesota Constitution protects such rights of people’s inherent political power, freedom, equality, free press, impartial trial, security, private property, and others. Thus, the document guarantees liberty on multiple levels, security, and freedom in terms of being involved in the state’s political life, having access to a fair judicial system, and being granted the right to exercise free speech, religious expression, and take certain measures to ensure personal security.

The rights that are protected by the Minnesota Constitution are similar to the rights that apply to every US state and are documented through the US Bill of Rights. These include the freedom of speech, lack of ideological regulations when it comes to the press, the right to protest, protect one’s security, due process, and other guaranteed rights that grant people the ability to enjoy freedom and democratic values on various levels. Thus, while the two constitutions are different in regards to the areas that they apply to, the structural and ideological similarities highlight the two constitutions to be designed to protect rights and organize the way in which the state of the country is governed.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 1). Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution. https://studycorgi.com/minnesota-constitutions-and-the-us-constitution/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution." December 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/minnesota-constitutions-and-the-us-constitution/.


StudyCorgi. "Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution." December 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/minnesota-constitutions-and-the-us-constitution/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution." December 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/minnesota-constitutions-and-the-us-constitution/.

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