Mobile Technologies and Business Communication

Mobile technologies change the quality of not only personal communication but also of a business one. Employees of different companies can communicate with each other from different places of the world. Moreover, communication with consumers is also affected, which gives businesses new opportunities. The most relevant example of a business that has benefited from mobile technology in the current pandemic is food delivery services. Despite existing restrictions, they help restaurants and cafes work, and consumers enjoy the benefits of using technology.

Delivery companies combine restaurants on their platforms that the user can choose to order food. With GIS, service providers can analyze geographic data and make delivery easier. In particular, checking the location of the buyer and the restaurant system determines the possibility of delivery – whether the consumer is in the available area (“Geographic Information System.” n.d.). At the same time, GPS in the buyer’s smartphone makes it possible to accurately determine the location and fill out the delivery address, as well as track the courier. GPS and GIS allow drivers to lay the most efficient and cost-effective route for delivery. Data analysis will also help companies optimize targeted advertising, for example, by identifying in which area a particular restaurant is most popular.

Thus, mobile technologies provide an advantage to businesses by allowing them to communicate and provide services at a distance. As a result, organizations are rapidly developing, cooperation involves more people, and services meet consumers’ needs more precisely. A striking example of using such systems as GPS and GIS is food delivery. The largest companies providing such services are Ubereats, Grubhub, and other services. Food delivery is just one of many examples and opportunities that technology offers for business.


Geographic Information System in online food ordering – Ordering Stack case study (n.d.). Web.

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