Modern Supply Chains Organization Dynamic Capabilities

In their article, Masteika and Čepinskis (2015) analyze the relevance of the roles of dynamic capabilities in organizing modern supply chains and how they are expressed today. The researchers present the characteristics of supply chains and dynamic capabilities and compare the two in the context of their relationship (Masteika & Čepinskis, 2015). As a theoretical framework, basic concepts are presented to prove a positive correlation between the variables under consideration and assess their role in establishing a sustainable logistics process. The impact on organizations’ adaptability to new operating conditions and the ability to withstand market competition are seen as valuable implications of dynamic capabilities in supply chains. In a conclusion, the relationship between these characteristics and competitive advantage is examined.

The reviewed article has shown that today, both locally and globally, supply chains affect business processes significantly, and their improvement is associated with the optimization of seller-customer relationships directly. Masteika and Čepinskis (2015) could have conducted a deeper analysis of the proposed topic by invoking alternative supply chain models and comparing individual approaches and techniques. In addition, for clarity, real-world examples could have been used. Nevertheless, the article in question offers basic data on the role of dynamic capabilities and is a background for further and deeper research.

As questions, the following aspects of the topic may be considered: will dynamic capabilities be in demand in the future with the development of technology? Is human participation critical in supply chain management and control? Finally, could dynamic capabilities become a new area in logistics and supply chain fundamentals? The answers to these questions can help assess the future of the logistics industry and, in particular, the role of dynamic capabilities in it.


Masteika, I., & Čepinskis, J. (2015). Dynamic capabilities in supply chain management. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 830-835. Web.

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