Morality and Happiness: Philosophical Concept


Moral issues often appear in philosophy, literature, and even politics, since morality forms the basis of human activity. Morality is a set of norms of behavior adopted in a particular society or the mind of a specific person. People acquire morality in the process of life, and it can change over time, but it is always associated with society. Concerning morality, it is also essential to mention the concept of happiness: a state when people are delighted with themselves and the world around them. This condition largely depends on the moral qualities of people and their relevance to the surrounding society. If this correspondence is violated, people feel an ethical conflict and cannot be entirely happy (Wallenborn 19). Thus, the philosophy of morality considers the moral qualities and principles of people and their interaction with the environment. The purpose of this paper is to discuss this interaction and identify its main components.

Main body

The central point of the morally correct activity is the action itself. It characterizes a person’s ability to consciously set goals, choose the appropriate means, and act independently, freely, and responsibly. The action is related to two main components: motive and assessment. The motive plays the role of an impulse, a stimulus to action, and indicates the individual’s preference for specific values. Motives are based on the basic moral principles of a person. Therefore, these principles must be correct from the point of view of society. In this case, when committing this act, no one’s rights will be violated, and a moral conflict will not arise.

The motives and results of the action may not coincide or correspond to each other. A motive can push a person to different activities; at the same time, similar behavior can be dictated by different motives. Therefore, an assessment of the moral status of people should depend not only on the results but also on the motives that drive their actions. Ethical assessment involves the condemnation or approval of an activity, behavior, and way of thinking based on moral requirements. It plays a significant role in the moral regulation of behavior since all people crave approval either by doing good deeds or avoiding bad ones. The basis for the assessment is ethical principles, norms, ideals, and moral qualities.

The main components of a person’s ethical worldview are justice, kindness, and responsibility. Undoubtedly, everyone can define these concepts in different ways, but modern society can give people a shared understanding of each of them. They can be considered as “rules for helping one to work out what one ought or ought not to do in a given situation: (O’Hara 85). Thanks to this, people can have a guide for their actions and consult with it if necessary. This guide allows them to build a highly moral personality and live ethically correct life, which benefits both people and their loved ones.


Thus, in the framework of the philosophy of morality, people are considered as creatures with certain ethical principles, motivating them to act and allowing them to evaluate their results. This behavior helps people to manage their own lives and interact productively with others. Thanks to faithful and balanced principles, people can act without harming others. Consequently, the right actions can bring positive emotions and even benefit in different areas of life. Thanks to this, people feel happy and live a fuller, more joyful life.


O’Hara, Neil. Moral Certainty and the Foundations of Morality. Springer, 2018.

Wallenborn, Ralph. Morality. To What Ends in Modern Times?: About the Modernistic Aspects of Antique and Renaissance Morals. GRIN Verlag: 2016.

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