CNN Philippines Staff: 10-Year Conflict Chronology in the Philippines

The road to peace among Muslims and other inhabitants of the Philippines is a long one and has no end. CNN Philippines Staff gives the chronology of the conflict in the country and mentions the most significant events that have occurred during the civil war. The period of the past ten years is considered.

The topic of the authorities’ direct participation in force issues is touched upon in some scientific articles. Thus, for instance, Klaus and Mitchell consider the problem of the mobilization of electoral violence and argue that any government is able to control the population by introducing appropriate provisions on land ownership (623). However, the situation in the Philippines is different, and it touches on both the ownership of a particular territory and ethnic and religious problems.

On the example of a news article by CNN Philippines Staff, it is possible to see that for ten years, the local government has unsuccessfully tried to solve the issue of reconciling the population. They also have not managed to calm down Muslim extremists seeking to gain autonomy. However, the land issue, as Klaus and Mitchell remark, is rarely solved quickly, and the authorities are usually reluctant to grant wishing the right to a separate territory (625). Therefore, disputes do not abate over a long period.

When comparing the positions of the two articles, it is possible to see that in the news paper, all the facts are presented from the point of view of the most relevant events. In the scientific article, explanations are given regarding the specifics of the mobilization of electoral violence and the complexities that the land issue raises. Nevertheless, in both works, there is one common feature – they demonstrate that the government is able to exert a colossal influence on life in the country in favor of certain decisions.

Works Cited

CNN Philippines Staff. “Road to Peace in Mindanao: The Bangsamoro Basic Law.” CNN Philippines. 2018. Web.

Klaus, Kathleen, and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Land Grievances and the Mobilization of Electoral Violence: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya.” Journal of Peace Research, vol. 52, no. 5, 2015, pp. 622-635.

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