Philippines Conflict History: Presidential Discussion & Agreement Possibility

The history of the conflict in the Philippines has a long history and is a problem both for local authorities and the inhabitants of the islands themselves. The news article by Garrie talks about the discussion of this urgent topic by the country’s president and the possibility of signing a corresponding agreement. Nevertheless, a number of difficulties may arise in the process of implementing certain legal provisions.

The situation in the Philippines remains tense because of warring parties’ reluctance to reach an agreement. Despite the fact that Garrie notes that the successful signing of the law on the confirmation of federalism in the management system can be implemented, some difficulties still remain. Thus, for example, according to Gurr, in order for the managing body to effectively combat uprisings in a particular country, the degree of institutional support should be considered (217). However, as Garrie claims, “the Congress in Quezon City is more of a detriment to internal peace than Moro groups in Mindanao.” Such working conditions do not allow the country’s leader to intervene actively in the problem and take urgent measures to curb the conflict inside the country.

The position of the government should be considered an auxiliary one, and if there are disagreements and misunderstanding among the president and the institutional boards, significant problems can arise at the stage of implementing concrete measures. Unwillingness to take an active part in resolving the issue of opposing the two forces in the country, which leads to economic decline and harm to the civilian population, allows talking about the incompetence of the local authorities. Accordingly, in case of a consensus among the members of the government, positive changes can be achieved.

Works Cited

Garrie, Adam. “Duterte Set on Bringing Permanent Peace to Mindanao in Push to End Decades Long Moro Conflict.” Eurasia Future. 2018. Web.

Gurr, Ted. Why Men Rebel. Princeton University Press, 1970.

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